Sick of Waiting for Chinese Democracy?


Demons Will Fly
Oct 18, 2004
Canada, eh
Here's our new promotion. Hopefully it'll work:

For all of you who are sick of waiting for Guns N Roses new album, Final Stage has you covered.

To show your dissatisfaction with Axl, taking his time trying to make sure every last detail is perfect, let him know just how pissed off you are. The most sincere form of protest in America these days is through supporting a second (or third, forth or fifth) candidate.

By buying a Flight of the Phoenix CD (From Final Stage in case you haven't figured it out yet) you'll be letting Axl know just how unhappy you are. As the numbers continue to rise in Final Stage sales, the lost revenue will begin to be displayed to Mr. William Axl to remind him to get his ass in gear.

Just look at these statistics:

Copies of Chinese Democracy sold: 0
Copies of Flight of the Phoenix sold: 100-ish

So, as of now, Final Stage has officially outsold Guns N Roses by approxinately 100% (or it would be if he had sold at least ONE copy).

Let Axl and Co. know how you feel today.

Buy Flight of the Phoenix now!

Final Stage T-shirts, Clocks, Coasters, and yes, even Panties!
Neat idea 74, but methinks its a bit too wordy for a promo! Still, it worked on me! I'll paypal you $4 for the mp3s. I've been meaning to get them.

What's the story on the mp3s once I've paid for them? Are they sent via email or do I go to a specified location on the web to download?
Here's my offer. You send me a review copy of the disc and I will plug it on Astrofaes and Pivotal Rage...

Send Me a PM With your Address.

What's the story on the mp3s once I've paid for them? Are they sent via email or do I go to a specified location on the web to download?

They can be emailed or I can upload them to our site for download. It's up to you.
I guess I know the answer but, there's an alternative to GayPal (I have issues with them)?

NP: Tarot - 'Ghosts Of Me'
Gay Pals keep trying to rub hips with him in those Costa Rican disco clubs. Did you see those pics in the General Discussion thread? Wyv leads a very daring lifestyle. :lol:

That's some funny stuff there!

I think that Final Stage will have released their Greatest Hits or a couple of Live Albums BEFORE that crapfest from Axl will be released!!!

Gotta go order a disc...


Payment sent thru Wyv's friends at the GayPal Club!

I wonder if that "Girlfriend" is a "front"???!!!
I wonder if that "Girlfriend" is a "front"???!!!

Sometimes I wonder it too :erk: , damn I need some peace of mind for once.

What are the issues?

I don't like some of their policies. I have problems in the past with them and some sellers using their services, so I only use credit card and the address of my choice of shipment.

NP: Samhain - 'Death Row'
for this?? I know when he released OH MY GOD for the End of Days soundtrack I was like what the fuck is this?!?!?!

I dont think itll have any relevancy in this day and age.