Sigh 'Gallows Gallery'

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This album has probably already been discussed, but I pop in and out of this form so quickly sometimes I probably missed it.

This is the first and only Sigh I own, but it is DAMN GOOD. I realize it is probably nothing like their early stuff, but I just love it. I'm positive it would have been top 10 for 2005 for me, if I had it sooner.

I can see Dick Sirloin ejaculating spontaneously to this. It's like Mercyful Fate playing jazz/fusion/metal stuff in the 70's.

Anyway . . . can somebody describe some of their other albums. I need more Sigh, obviously. I know there's 100 threads about them already, but I never really paid attention before.

From what I understand Nate, this new album is 1,000,000 times different than anything else they've done before. J & JayK are the 2 resident experts on Sigh though.

I'm pretty sure they were a raw black metal band in their earlier days, w/ lots of horror metal influence.
Yeah, I already have this. It's great, but the vocals sound like muppets. I'm not sure where I stand on those, but overall the album ROCKS.

Make sure you get "Imaginary Sonicscape" next... It's very similar musically, but no clean vocals.

"Scenario IV: Dead Dreams" is very bizarre black metal. Like nothing ever recorded before. Similar to "Hail Horror Hail", which is probably the better of the two. And when I say "progressive black metal", I don't mean that it sounds like Borknagar or something. It's awesome. Get the EP as well, "Ghastly Funeral Theatre". It's realy trippy and contains their best song, "Shingontachikawa".

The only other one I've heard is "Scorn Defeat", which is pretty straghtforward black metal. It's pretty forgettable.
Gallows Gallery blows. Worse than fucking Imaginary Sonicscape.

Get these: Hail Horror Hail, Ghastly Funeral THeater, and Infidel Art
Hey Nate - did you know Sigh were initially signed to Deathlike Silence productions?

"Recognizing talent when he saw it, Euronymous tried to sign the band to his Deathlike Silence label, despite racist objections within the scene to Sigh's Asian origins. Unfortunately, Euronymous was stabbed to death by a bandmate before the ink was dry on the contract, leaving Sigh in the lurch"

Well, he died, but they ended up on the label for the debut release anyway. Cool original artwork, I don't have this version:


As for recommendations, and since you like the new one (which I haven't heard), you might as well work your way backwards.
Mirai's also featured on Necrophagia albums but he's better off in Sigh IMO. I think you should dig Imaginary Sonicscape. J doesn't like it so you know it's cool. :loco:
Imaginary SOnicscape has two good songs. It's just prog metal with black metal vocals. Sigh were a lot better before they decided to wuss out.
It's too risky for a band like Sigh to make a mix between J-music and 80's metal when they have been absent for 4 years . Cool for them but they pretty much lost any fan they had methinks. Imaginary Sonicscape was tolerable but after the first listens , what I thought was a good mix between heavy-metal and psychedelic/cheesy music scattered and I couldn't get something out of it .
Well, Gallows Gallery is just awesome to me. So I'm going to get pretty much all their stuff as soon as I can find it. I've already ordered Scorn Defeat, so I'll get the extreme opposite perspective of them now.
I think he was being sarcastic.

Sigh have ventured into so many directions already (just in one song, ha) that I don't think it's possible for them to sell out.

Well, I guess they could become normal. :loco: