signature rules???


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia


That is all.
"When Bugs Bunny dressed up like a girl bunny did you ever..." :loco:

Daffney is way hot, I always liked her. I had a discussion with someone once concerning whether or not becoming aroused at cartoon chicks was perverse. I think the conclusion was slightly perverse but still normal. Jessica Rabbit? BABE.
I don't know what the big deal is, whenever a situation with signatures has arisen in the past they got disabled for everyone.

I don't like the direction of no swearing or offensive images, but this forum has extremely loose rules (as in there aren't any), especially compared to other forums.

Anybody remember the days when saying "shit" on AOL would get you banned? :tickled:
Your signature = win.

"Instead of ass say buns like 'kiss my buns' or 'you're a buns-hole.'"
Erik has been fantastic the last couple of weeks. First the "GO AND BUY ME ALBUMS AND DELIVER THEM AT MY DOORSTEP" thread, and now this signature. I'm gobsmacked. Flabberghasted. I love him.
MetalAges said:
I never said an all around "no swearing etc." Only in the sig.
I was referring to the possible starts with sigs, moves to posts progression. Not saying you're doing this, just that it could be a logical conclusion.

Anyhow, cutting down on big signatures is a good idea because they are fucking annoying. I don't like the idea of turning sigs off though, in case I miss some titties or something. :loco:
First of all, if I ever saw any pornographic images in sigs, I removed them (although obviously I may have missed some).

Secondly, it is not an infringement on freedom of speech to ask people not to swear - it's asking for courtesy. Deron is not stopping you from expressing your opinion, only asking you to consider other people - who may not want to see your gash photos, or seeing you be all butch by saying 'fuck' in your forum sig.

And thirdly, for people who try to act like they're oh-so-'ard, bitching about SIGNATURE rules on an INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD makes you sound rather wanting! ;)

Peace and love,
UMHQ's Tearoom
Mark said:
or seeing you be all butch by saying 'fuck' in your forum sig.
Hahaha that rules.

I think maybe everyone's avatar should default to a Graveland album cover, that way we can be sure that everyone is offended equally.
Erik said:
No, it is not "asking for" courtesy, it is enforcing so-called courtesy. That IS an infringement of freedom of speech. Sorry.

Also, who decides what "symbols" are considered "offensive?" As DE (now banned for saying "fuck Deron and fuck his rules") pointed out, I (and several others) find the Christian cross far more offensive than the swastika. How are these rules at all helping us?

Sorry, but these rules are complete bullshit. There can only be either freedom of speech or censorship; this is censorship, and as with all censorship, I do not support it.

I must remember that there are those that are offended by true free speech though. Oppressors they are. Sellouts. Down right un-American. :Smug:

Papa Josh
Minister of Propaganda
The RC Roundtable