
Go to quick links (upright part of the board)

Choose edit signature

It will look like this


To upload files/pics for free go to (and register): (the one I use)
You can upload whatever pic you want from your computer to a server like Photobucket for free.

The only catch is to make the pic not very big. Huge pics in signatures are annoying and Deron actually ask to make them smaller. Also forget offensive or extreme porn pics.
JonnyD said:
But a Naked Sylivia Saint on a car hood is perfectly fine :D

a) She's not Silvia Saint (I wish she'll be

c) Believe it or not the pic came from the Official Lamborghini Website o_O

c) When Deron set the rules for signatures I ask him if it was alright and he gave me the bleesing ;) (wuth much relief from my part cause I love that car...and the hood ornament ain't bad either :p )