Signed Anthrax Videos on E-Bay

Wait a have something legimately signed by Anthrax and you're selling it? For what? A bag of pot? You fucking loser. You must be a "no longer a fan 'cause they're not cool anymore" fan by what mtv programs into your little brain. FUCK OFF, only real fans here. What...anything else?

Hater of all humans
Well fuck you in the ass ass you Yanks say....

If you cared to read the fucking advert you would see that I have four of these videos, keeping one for myself and selling the other 3 to pay myself back for the fucking fortune that I paid for them!!!

Thus giving 3 other fans the chance to own one.

Whay don't you cjeck your facts before you leap to conclusions you pointless Wanker!!!!!!!
sufferer said:
Wait a have something legimately signed by Anthrax and you're selling it? For what? A bag of pot? You fucking loser. You must be a "no longer a fan 'cause they're not cool anymore" fan by what mtv programs into your little brain. FUCK OFF, only real fans here. What...anything else?

Hater of all humans
With that mentality, no one will get cool shit to worship.
i have never saw the point in buying something that someone else got signed!

no value at all and u can never be sure its authentic unless u got it signed in front of u.
I have several rough drafts of the Gettysburg Address signed by Abe Lincoln for sale. I can give you a certificate of authenticity signed by me, as I witnessed it get signed in my presence. Yours for the low, low price of $20. Anyone who wants one, contact me. You know it is for real, cause you will get a COA. Money back guarantee if Abe is able to verify that it is not in fact his handwriting. :D
