Siiiiiiis!!! Whaaaaaaaaah!!!


Multis Periculis Supersum
Aug 31, 2001
α Piscium
Hello, boo!!


:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: !!!SIS!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Awww, Iris... ::sighs:: the only reason I view this message board anymore. Good to see you're still out there :)
Lord of Metal said:
IRRRRIIIISSSSS! :D *grabs chest, faints*
HAHA!!! you sillies!!
Don't die on me! I'm alive and kicking, just not around that much anymore..which basically means, i'm not bored anymore..hihi ;)
Hmm..i'm gonna have plenty of time the next couple of months, weeks..days? because Free Record Shop gave me THE SACK!!! YUP! my contract ends by the end of this month...REASON? "we have a 20 year old girl that is cheaper and does the same as you do"...Yeah, i know..only thing is that they forgot to mention and test, that this girl doesn't even know that "the Wall" is from Pink Floyd and she thinks that Deep Purple is a film with Whoopie Goldberg...
She can't do anything about it, but quantity goes over quality, i guess.:Smug:
Reason for me to find a new job and go back to the field i have studied, all the retards, disabled and crazy people better be aware.."i'm coming for ya!!" hihi ;) i'm their worst nightmare and my own enemy!
Ok, enough bullshit, back to reality.. I feel very ambivalent about this whole situation, one side says i'm free to go and do what i do best..other side i feel abandoned and not accepted for my quality and knowledge about music 'n stuff. Ah bloody hell, i'll be fine, i won't fall astray...i just hope i won't get lost... new situations always get me nervous, i just need to go and do it..

And Kevin!!! The board is the only way to get in touch with you, so it seems!
When i called you two months ago, you were SO DRUNK already- (you were really far gone from this planet, whaha!! only when i yelled "happy newyear, kev!!" u seem to react and yell "happy fucking newyear" to me) -that you didn't even knew who i please!!! hehe :D
How's it going' with ya?
I'm gonna call Deconstruct really soon, i promiss i'll call you too!
Ok peeps, enough about me..time for me to read all about you!

Bye all!!!


nope Swede!
No mirc for me, i can only use msn over here!! :D
Hah, yeah more response..i don't think that's weird, i have plenty of free time next week so..heh..:erk: Ah well, can't get any worse then it is now, so indeed, Jeremy's can only get better!



Ok, little update!

I applied for 2 different jobs this week, so maybe they will invite me over to talk about it.
It looks as though i'm going back into the field. I applied for a job to work with autistic people. Not the most easiest job in the world but ah well, dunno.. i found out that when i choose a path, it's usually not the easiest way around, heh! :err: Somehow, the unusual way opens up way earlier then the easy way... but i guess it's a way to learn to deal with the things in life and realise once more that i'm alive and kicking.
Other job is at the counter at a company that rent or-and sell houses, appartements. (geez, what's the name for that in english? Over here it's called a "woningbouw vereniging" anyway..
It's my job (well, not yet, hehe :loco: ) to do intakes and ask the right questions to get to know more about their social position and if they have the right to get urgency for a new home. (mostly for disabled, old people..or people that are in a stressfull situation and need to find a new place).
So, i'm in the running again, finding out where my quality in life has been, to mold it together in a new reality.. :D
More news to come, but this is it...for now.

:wave: I am here! :tickled: Always was....just having technical problems posting...heheh o_O

Check your p.m.'s sister! :Spin: There will be a story there...hahaha...a good horror one! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a good horror story. It's called "My Fucking Internet Wouldn't Connect Yesterday and Forced Me to Format My Freaking Hard Drive."

Hey sis!!

Good news, from this side of the ocean is coming your way!
I miss you even more!!
Stay healthy, my beautiful!!!
