
Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.

Anybody hear of this band? The music is extremely good and EXTREMELY technical. Damn fine musicians. ...but, the vocals just piss me off. Makes me wanna claw out my eardrums. What a fucking shame.
Ive only heard the one track on tv and well.........its barable but i wont judge them on that, thats not fair. I'll only formulate a proper opinion when i know more of them. The only thing that does piss me off about them is all the hype surrounding them, much like those wannabe emo cunts funeral for a friend, god i hate them. Slightly changing the subject but is anyone else here getting fed up of this new emo (well i say emo but none of the bands are real emo) trend thats hit the UK?
i've got their album. the quality ranges from very good to below average. check out the off the wall chaos chaos juxtaposed with the serene tranquility of scent of thr obscene and skies of milenium night if your interested. just don't check out that totally clean vocals emo song on the album (forgotten whats its called)
None_So_Vile said:
The only thing that does piss me off about them is all the hype surrounding them, much like those wannabe emo cunts funeral for a friend, god i hate them. Slightly changing the subject but is anyone else here getting fed up of this new emo (well i say emo but none of the bands are real emo) trend thats hit the UK?

Hell yes! It's so tedious that all my peers are into this shit! It's boring and masively over-hyped, and there's so MUCH of it as well!

Oh well...never mind. :(
Funeral for a Friend rules beyond reasonable expectations. Sure they are generic, but the melodies are some of the best I've ever heard and their songwriting is also some of the best that I have seen. They just need more breakdowns that actually have complexities in rhythm, they could learn a shitload about that from Beloved, who play a similar style but kick much more ass.

Sikth are great when they are playing fast shit but the long slower stuff is boring.
i've heard about a minute, a minute and a half of what sounded to me like extremely nu-metal DEP (only not quite as good), and thought what a massive pile of crap.

Plus they sucked live when i went to see the rejuvenated Machine Head at the end of last year. How they got that support slot i dont know.
Sikth are pretty much complete wankery in my opinion. They're good musicians, but they're style is mostly tedious and boring.