
Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
Who here loves this band as much or more than I do?
Here's how I rate their most recent releases:
Walk The Earth 9.75/10
Worlds Apart 9.95/10
Favorite songs and albums?
Here's my vote for SF to play PPUSA X!
I would REALLY LOVE to see these guys back next year. I LOVED Worlds Apart. Don't Walk The Earth Yet. I rank them as:

Empire of Future: 6/10
Infatuator: 8.5/10
Worlds Apart: 9/10

My favorite song of theirs is probably "Once Again." Other favorites: Infatuator, Fall Into Oblivion, We Must Use The Power, Heroes, No One Lives Forever.
I would REALLY LOVE to see these guys back next year. I LOVED Worlds Apart. Don't Walk The Earth Yet. I rank them as:

Empire of Future: 6/10
Infatuator: 8.5/10
Worlds Apart: 9/10

My favorite song of theirs is probably "Once Again." Other favorites: Infatuator, Fall Into Oblivion, We Must Use The Power, Heroes, No One Lives Forever.
They played early on in PPUSA history, right? I missed the first 3 festivals, but have been to each one ever since. DC Cooper is one of my favorite vocalists ever and the band is awesome, too. You'll really dig WTE, trust me.:headbang:
I still think their first is their best with INFATURATER being a close second. The last two did not do much for me...dare I say generic? Not as creative? I love DC's voice and Alex is a monster on guitar, I just would like to hear more diversity in their music... The over all songs on their first two releases are better than the last two in my opinion. With that said I would love to see them at PPX.
I gave them a chance a few years ago with Infatuator and Empire of Future. Since those album didn't grab me at all (their show at PP3 was cool though, but I didn't get too into it because I didn't know the band), I never gave them another chance.

Is their latest album on the same vein as the other two?
The 2 newest ones are not bad at all, but I also prefer the first 2, fav song being saints and sinners from empire of future. I got to play percussion for D.C. when he did the acoustic set of his solo material, and it was a blast and he was the nicest and coolest guy, a real class act.
It's "Walk The Earth" and you're condeming it for its cover?
I like the first two, but I thought "Worlds Apart" was a step up. "Walk The Earth" is somewhat more generic, but it grew on me after a few listens.
walk/walking makes no real difference in interpretation IMO. Maybe someone could make an arguement, but it really makes no difference. And no, i'm not condeming it for the cover haha. I don't think it's very good though... DC is good but cannot carry the band and their mediocre songs on his own IMO.
i dig em, the new cd is pretty good IMO, its no monster cd but it has some nice tunes for sure. i personally think though, that DC and royal hunt were made for each other and wish he would have continued work with them. i like silent force alot, and DC is one of my fav vocalists, so i would be ecstatic to see them put on the bill!