Silhouette - (Neo-Prog)


Aug 10, 2008

Will you be stocking the new Silhouette cd - "Moods"?
(It has been mixed/mastered by Gerben Klazinga (Knight Area) It's on Progress Records.

A great Dutch band indeed ,they Debut cd from 2006 ""The Maze" is fantastic" Found it on (Big Balloon Records) went out of business a few years back, great Neo-Prog.............
If possible Ken, please stock this?
(I know someone who will be stocking it, but, his shipping prices are too high; I would like to get it from you)
Sorry about the bother; but I see that "the other guy" has it on his site & wondering if you were going to stock this?
I would rather wait for you but if you are not going to get it, I will pick it up from him.
Your going to get Warts:lol: Like me :kickass: :OMG: :headbang:

In case you dont understand, this, Ken would tell me I would get Warts if I ordered from Kinesis.
I dont patronize , If im lookling for a cd Ill check out L/E & Kinesis.. If Ken has it fine , ill get it, If Larry has it & Ken doesnt Ill get it.. I like to go back And forth... Two different sights indeed.... Im happy with both, (im running out of room).... I might open my own store soon!!!:)