Simple one, short than my usual rant


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
The huge scale of those protests -- including at least 500,000 people in Los Angeles -- was a departure from the past when fear of being deported made illegal immigrants reluctant to engage in public activism.

"What we are seeing in the streets is a naked assertion of power," Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, said. "This isn't really about immigration -- it's about power."

"This isn't really about immigration -- it's about power." Clearly.

So let's show em some power.

Were I the GOVERNATAH, I would encircle the L.A. march of 500,000 with every goddamned national guardsman, fix bayonets, load ammunition, and encapsulate that seething mass of Mejicanos.

Then, deputize every law-enforcement agent to be INS men, check for Greencards, and begin a forced march southward to Tiajuana.

Without "Evian" bottled water.

They're all El Presidente Binthente Foxth's citizens. Let HIM provide the water. He certainly provides criticism and complaints whenever one of his beloved sombreros gets pounded on.

Once that bedraggled, starved, Dorito-free crowd crosses the frontier, well, Guadalajara won't be a ghost town any more!!

Hmmm, yes, I think you'd get my vote......

If I wasn't a fucking foreigner!!!!! Mind you, I'm in my own country where I belong, not leeching off someone else!
Jurched said:
"This isn't really about immigration -- it's about power." Clearly.

So let's show em some power.

Were I the GOVERNATAH, I would encircle the L.A. march of 500,000 with every goddamned national guardsman, fix bayonets, load ammunition, and encapsulate that seething mass of Mejicanos.

Then, deputize every law-enforcement agent to be INS men, check for Greencards, and begin a forced march southward to Tiajuana.

Without "Evian" bottled water.

They're all El Presidente Binthente Foxth's citizens. Let HIM provide the water. He certainly provides criticism and complaints whenever one of his beloved sombreros gets pounded on.

Once that bedraggled, starved, Dorito-free crowd crosses the frontier, well, Guadalajara won't be a ghost town any more!!


Except you're not the governator, and I doubt you'd do shit if you were. You'd get a good taste of that cash in the poltical game and you would play it like all of the rest.

And another problem with your proposal, not all of those people were "illegal." :erk:
Papa Josh said:
Except you're not the governator, and I doubt you'd do shit if you were. You'd get a good taste of that cash in the poltical game and you would play it like all of the rest.

Au contrair my fine feathered friend. Were I the Goverator, I would because I believe in the use of unusual force and making a scene in public.

Various anti-war protestor ex-hippies loved big marches in the 70s and think this shit is some sort of fuckin hollywood remake. So I'm just sayin that a remake deserves National guardsmen beating on rioting protesters, complete with firehoses, batons, and live ammo.

Just like the good ole days.

As for the cash, well, I'd have to see JUST HOW MUCH we're talkin. Making a scene in public is often priceless, you know.

And another problem with your proposal, not all of those people were "illegal." :erk:

Uhh, yeh. I know. Refer to line 4 in my first post. :erk: :erk:

Ya know, some morons are actually saying illegals will save Socialist Security?

They claim illegals use fake SS#s, employers withhold, and that amount goes into a pool. They say the illegals will not claim this money when they get older. Years from now, there will be a vast ocean of free money which the rest of us will be swimming in.

What a load of crap!

We all know that:

1. Employers know who's illegal and likely won't be withholding a freakin peso.

2. Whatever pittance is actually withheld won't fill a kiddie pool, much less save Socialist Security.

3. When those mejicanos get older, who the fuck says they won't be collecting?

What, a bureaucrat at the SSA is gonna deny an elderly illegal his social security because his SS# is fake?


Either you'll see a riot of angry grey mejicanos or a flock of lawyers. Probably both. In the end, the illegals will be given cash no matter who they are, while people like me, who might have saved a peso or two, or even dared to own a house, will be told "Sorry, you got savings, you don't get shit!"


How I hate liberal socialist bureaucracy!

MyHatred said:
I say make them all legal then lock there asses up for felony tax evasion.

That's what i'd like to see.

You know, it takes a lot of fuckin balls to come here illegally and then start demanding shit. Could you imagine a bunch of Americans going down there and acting like that? Shit...they'd all be shot.
Jurched said:

Were I the GOVERNATAH, I would encircle the L.A. march of 500,000 with every goddamned national guardsman, fix bayonets, load ammunition, and encapsulate that seething mass of Mejicanos.

I agree. That's what america is all about, mass executions of "those who don't belong."

It's good to know that we conservatives are intelligent people who aren't foaming at the mouth with hate, and I love how we don't sound like Nazis here.

How can anyone compare republicans to Nazis? We all know that the KKK is a left wing organization.
We also need to either kill or lock up atheists, prostitutes, intellectuals, writers, artists, pot smokers, musicians, actors, economists, lawyers, hippies, agnostics, Jews, and anyone else associated with liberal scum.

It'll be just like in Escape from LA, a right wing American paradise/theocracy.