since dt are so good!!

Just who the fuck gave you permission to spam the forum? can you please stop no one cares about your stupid fucking band, or anyone's band, DONT FUCKING TELL US ABOUT IT UNLESS WE ASK YOU.

Consider this a warning you dumbass newbie

Misanthrope ( Trying to get the DT forum Nazi job )
I think you do, but you have to take my orders, i'm the empress of the forum and if you don't do your job well or you exaggerate, no more cookies. understood?
Misanthrope is the forum nazi and I am the gestapo. I hereby order you, Cows on a Million Man March, to kill yourself. Immediately, and in a manner with which tremendous pain is involved. If you fail to comply with my ruling then you are never allowed to listen to Dark Tranquillity again, even by accident.

WTF kind of a name is "Cows on a Million Man March" in the first place? Jesus Christ, what ever happened to civilized names. If you think these guys suck so badly, then go back to your damn pussy In Flames forum and stay there. You probably don't even like them. I am willing to bet that you are a closet Milli Vanilli fan or some shit like that. Jesus Christ, get a life.
And btw. There is also a thread called: "Want to spam this forum with your band? POST HERE. NOWHERE ELSE, just FUCKIN HERE!". Or something like that :)
Originally posted by Lethe78
Misanthrope is the forum nazi and I am the gestapo. I hereby order you, Cows on a Million Man March, to kill yourself. Immediately, and in a manner with which tremendous pain is involved. If you fail to comply with my ruling then you are never allowed to listen to Dark Tranquillity again, even by accident.

WTF kind of a name is "Cows on a Million Man March" in the first place? Jesus Christ, what ever happened to civilized names. If you think these guys suck so badly, then go back to your damn pussy In Flames forum and stay there. You probably don't even like them. I am willing to bet that you are a closet Milli Vanilli fan or some shit like that. Jesus Christ, get a life.

What kind of a name? is the "lets get the biggest nick possible so the whole fucking forum looks unformated and ugly" kinda nick.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Just who the fuck gave you permission to spam the forum? can you please stop no one cares about your stupid fucking band, or anyone's band, DONT FUCKING TELL US ABOUT IT UNLESS WE ASK YOU.

Consider this a warning you dumbass newbie

Misanthrope ( Trying to get the DT forum Nazi job )

fuck you man!!!!!! this place sucks,atleastthe in flames bb has humans on it.....i'm out of here..catch ya later ya poser:Smokedev:
Originally posted by metal thrashin mad!

atleastthe in flames bb has humans on it.....

and that's what we complain about, you can't rely on humans!!! ;)

now as for the SS job'll have the job once you put some gas over Cows in Whatever and burn him down...go for it misanthrope, we count on you :p

fathervic (part bionic, part organic, not a cyborg)
well hope that's not thrown at me ;)
but I guess the problem is in the last part of this binomial "stupid people"..... Why does it seem like there is never any shortage of people! that's it...once we have, I'm sure stupid people will decrease too... ;)

fathervic (hoping too much) :rolleyes:
hmm me thinks there is a DT forum hierarchy forming???

@Lethe no never, and a few wander over from time to time, you get used to it, like uh.......lumps in old milk..........:rolleyes:
Why must they post this promo stuff in here? UM has already has a place to promo you shit & staff

- red_beef (anti-:Spam: )