Singer wanted, german Metal with record deal!


Jun 10, 2008
Hi there,

we're in need of a singer who is able to do a full lenght album asap! We're located in Mannheim, Germany. Album is sceduled to early 2011. Please write me back, I'll give you links to our finished material. Lyrics and music is done allready, you only have to sing and gig with us! You are free to change vocal arrangement as long as it suits to the music!


I live in Darmstadt, I'll PM you my details and we can meet up for a try out and a chat if you want.

EDIT: PM sent.
Hi, ich hör mir das heute Abend mal an, wenn ich zuhause bin. Sofern meine Stimme passt, müsste man sehen, ob sich das terminlich regeln lässt.

its not important to replace the voice, you should bring your own style. we're searching for a voice which can transport the METAL! So don't be afraid to write us back!
Our former singer had a bit of an Accept touch in his voice. I was often asked and vocalists told they can't copy it. But its a unique voice and not easy to do. Shure its agressive but its not a must to sing that style. We are looking for a singer with a raw voice. We don't look for this Edguy style....
I think he means he's looking for a more "rough" voice, as in gravelly and gutteral.

Oder nochmal auf deutsch, ihr sucht ne "rauhe" Stimme, nicht wahr? Also kratzig und beißend?
still searching. Please get in touch singers! Even clear voice is interesting to hear. Its not a MUST to sound "rough". Lets have a try how other vocals sound with our music.
