Sister Sin. Thoughts?


The Ancient Metalhead
Dec 30, 2004
Indianapolis In USA
I got a victory records comp cd when I went to KD and Slayer in July. This band was on it. They sound well this song anyways sounds a little bit like warlock and arch enemy lite. Are they any good? I ask this because I more normally listen to more extreme forms of metal. thanks for any input
Since I'm a huge fan of them the answer is clearly biased :D

In the beginning they were accused to sound like Motley Crue (which to me is kind of true, if Motley Crue ever played good!).

Like most Swedish bands Sister Sin is just pure quality. Liv Jagrell vocals are aggressive and with punch not the standard operatic crap of most woman fronted bands from Europe.

Best album IMO "True Sound Of The Underground", and the rest are strong releases with maybe the exception of the debut (more for completists).

Best songs: 'Beat The Street', 'Outrage', 'Hearts Of Cold', 'Sail North'

Highly recommended for fans of true heavy metal without keys, symphonic boredom, etc.