Six Feet Under


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Hey could someone upload some of their old shit for me? That samsatan guy really got me thinking that I need to check their early material out, he must work for their street team!
"me and josh were looking for a new drummer for a.c. sometime in 1996 (before we got nate). the only reason we went to the six feet under show was to hand out flyers looking for a new drummer. while 6fu were on, we were heckling them. after the show, chris barnes grabbed me by the shirt, which felt like being grabbed by a weak 2 year old. i asked him if he wanted to fight me outside, and he said yes. stupidly, i turned my back to walk out the front door and fight that gay midget faggot. as my back was turned, i got jumped by about 5 of his roadies/friends/whatever. the bouncers threw me out. chris barnes never touched me. i had some kid go up to the 6fu tour bus and ask barnes if he still wanted to fight me, by himself. he stayed on the bus, and probably blew a bunch of guys or something."

a mod needs to merge all these crappy SFU threads into one pile of threadshit.

i remember reading an interview with barnes and he said rap was metal's know, because they're so similar :rolleyes:
this board is seriously full of emo hramless fruitcakes ... all of you should move to the Kayo Dot board :loco:
NADatar said:
"me and josh were looking for a new drummer for a.c. sometime in 1996 (before we got nate). the only reason we went to the six feet under show was to hand out flyers looking for a new drummer. while 6fu were on, we were heckling them. after the show, chris barnes grabbed me by the shirt, which felt like being grabbed by a weak 2 year old. i asked him if he wanted to fight me outside, and he said yes. stupidly, i turned my back to walk out the front door and fight that gay midget faggot. as my back was turned, i got jumped by about 5 of his roadies/friends/whatever. the bouncers threw me out. chris barnes never touched me. i had some kid go up to the 6fu tour bus and ask barnes if he still wanted to fight me, by himself. he stayed on the bus, and probably blew a bunch of guys or something."

haha where the hell is that from...i have no desire to hear this band
I saw it on one of the threads that samsatan bumped, I guess Seth Putnam said that, haha.

Still awaiting uploads... :mad: :loco:
:lol: ...

I hated SFU for about 8 of their 10 year existence ... the whole fun in a simple groovy way thing just sank in a few years ago
i must say that I am really dissapointed that of all people, you, NAD ... do not "get" the simple stupidity of this band :loco: ... it has a mix of old school DM, stoner, doom ... plus it fucking great driving music :kickass:
Well it's making me laugh, and I do it enjoy it in a kitschy sort of way, but I just want to turn it off after a few minutes. :lol: