six six six

what? dude bring those hookers and weed to cali. ill let you sleep on the floor overnite before you have to go back to deutschland.
Originally posted by neal
yeh thats right. you can go get me hookers and weed too.
Um,for weed I guess I can go down to Westminster...they mainly have heroin,but they gotta have weed there,too.And if you want hookers then you can contect some of the girls that I was in school w/who are all major sluts.They're probobly hookers,too because they have this gay guy named Jeff as their pimp.:lol:
I want weed,too!
yeh, but if you went to school with them that means they're underage. im 20. tahts a felony, not to mention i doubt 14 year olds know what to do with a dick anyways hehe.