Size does matter............

Lydian Lady

Rainbow Chaser
Nov 27, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
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New on is big!!!
Have to say my mates told me this was THE board to be on, I am impressed!
I live for music, gigs and laughing, and I don't suffer fools - music that means something and isn't ripped off is the truth!
Talent is to be admired, anything less is another nail in a media metal coffin.
Not being specific here - I guess those who care about their music will know exactly what I mean!
Glad to be here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Size doesn't matter.

Size doesn't matter.

Size doesn't matter.

Size doesn't matter.

If I repeat it enough times to myself, I might start believing it.

Size doesn't matter.

Size doesn't matter.

Welcome to UM!! :wave: Enjoy the forums. :)

Size doesn't matter.