

Choking Victim
Apr 8, 2007
it seems that alot of people on this forum listen to all types of metal.
But me personally
I listen to metal, but i also listen to ska and other types of genres =[)
And am currently in a ska band. (
and i dont like when people go
ew you cant listen to metal and ska

so Go Ska!! :).

(ska=fast reggae, upbeat guitar, Horns and Wind Instruments)
I remember when I used to play this BMX video game on Playstation, they had some Ska songs on the soundtrack. Not really my thing.
Anybody that says you're not a true metal fan if you like non-metal music is utterly retarded btw.
I think ska is one of the most shit on genres. I made a ska related thread some time back but it never got any legs. I've listened to ska since i was around 12, and though i'm not as big of a fan as i used to be, I still appreciate it and listen to it every once in a while. I'll attempt to plug the Rx Bandits ( one more time on this forum. They're not really ska anymore, actually they've become more of a cross between the mars volta and the police, but they have some ska/reggae/dub elements.

And dude, if you really care about being a "true metal fan" or anything like that, that's pretty sad.
^if you don't like it, shut up about it

I like ska actually, listened to alot of ska-punk some time ago. Japanese bands used to be really good at it but they seem to have vanished these days.
I'm currently searching for bands who mix ska with metal, anyone know any?
I remember when I used to play this BMX video game on Playstation, they had some Ska songs on the soundtrack. Not really my thing.
Anybody that says you're not a true metal fan if you like non-metal music is utterly retarded btw.

True. I listen to to metal but I also listen to acoustic and folk stuff sometimes too, ska though, sorry not my taste.
I like prog though, I guess pink floyd for instance would be somewhat similar.
The keyboardist from my college band (a sorta 90's hard rock thing) was in another band that happened to be a ska band. They were okay, and were featured on a few ska compilations. They were called Ska King Crab. They did some good covers: Take On Me, Inspector Gadget, and Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash for you kids out there that aren't in the know). One of my favorite songs they did was an original called Harvey Keitel, which basically went through the movies he'd been in: "He's a Bad lieutenant/He's ruder than James Bond/He's been killed by a Taxi Driver/He's friends with Martin Scorsese/I wish I could be/He was in Monkey Trouble.../That's good of him" and so on. Great music behind silly lyrics, and my good buddy on keys. Good stuff.
JPop, JRock, other rock genres, techno, parody songs of several different genres, jazz, death metal, and black metal (on the rare occasion). I don't like to limit what I listen to to any one genre. There is so much musical talent out there, and it's not all in the metal genre.

Off topic: I love the spoon by the way, Black Core. I am a banana!