
Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Listen to this band or...


Too lazy to give my own bullshit shill...

From band:

New full length Ast can be ordered on cassette tape from Eternal Warfare ( )

We poured our heart and soul in to this manifestation of concept, and are definitely thrilled with the outcome. Everyone agrees that it is our most poignant and colossal release to date. Packaged in a thick cardstock O-card with photographs taken by the band themselves, the packaging on this cassette has a very suiting, organic feel. The album deals with the passage of summer unto winter, the spiraling iteration that is infinity; without death, there is no life. The writing of the album is a healthy balance of hit-record-and-go improvisation and constructed riff-writing. The writing was certainly helped along by the endless Winter we experienced here in Cascadia (Coast Salish territory, to be precise.) From the first storms of summer, to the beautiful rot of fall, to the endless, freezing fog of winter, the album covers every moment. Spring has come, and the release has met it's first light. We are cleansed.
Was just about to check them out this prior to your post/message, good timing. I'll post thoughts after listening.
Indeed they have. This is great.. Blossoms Sprout From the Carcass is fucking epic. Did I really just use "epic" to describe music?

Thanks for the link, will definitely grab Ast when I get home.
Be on the lookout... sometime in the next year those guys are releasing a movie called "Robo-Geisha". No trailer yet, but the title alone guarantees a fuckawesome experience.