This from Dave Mustaine on his message board...
"Lastly, there have been some interesting developments around here: new forums, new moderators, something happened with Sanctuary's book department where it just "shut down", and we are waiting for Cory Brenner to get back to us about an intense conversation from last week about the single dropping, the records not being in the stores, and what was happening for the summer with the next vidi, marketing, etc."
Gee, where have we heard that before? :Smug:
"Lastly, there have been some interesting developments around here: new forums, new moderators, something happened with Sanctuary's book department where it just "shut down", and we are waiting for Cory Brenner to get back to us about an intense conversation from last week about the single dropping, the records not being in the stores, and what was happening for the summer with the next vidi, marketing, etc."
Gee, where have we heard that before? :Smug: