skid row...tonight

Peter Day

Oct 14, 2001
Ickleford. Hitchin.UK
Wow and Wow! again...

i am bruised to high heaven, the crowd went nuts! fantastic...

obviously from that you can guess it was an awesome night out. The new singer is great, did the old songs pretty much as they should sound and the new songs were ace... go see them next time they are over well worth your hard earned cash..

Laura and Mia enjoyed it to, even if they did get a little bit crushed further down the front, don't lose them guitar/bass picks ladies.. :D
It was pretty damn good - I enjoyed myself, and have ringing ears (a sign I don't go to enough gigs I suppose...) today. I got a snap on my phone I thought was quite cool:



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i actually saw skid row a couple years ago. it was cool they had tommy chong doing stand up comedy then skid row played then jackyl, vince neil and tesla played. i was surprized that they put on a good show though, i guess its cause they have a new singer. sebastian bock sounds like hes singing with a clothes pin on his nose or something.
Yeah real shame some of you couldn't make it..but fear not i believe with the reception they got i think they will be looking to come back over as soon as.... perhaps they might get on one of the big tours coming up...Alice Cooper for starters. now that would be great.

Hey saw Jackyl two years ago! are they still going? and if so have they done any other albums since 'Cut the Crap' some time back...
they were always a great fun band to see...i saw them at there first ever gig in the Uk at the Marquee (cue loads of tears, weeping and bemoaning of greedy landlords!)...bloody excellent time..still remember the chainsaw part of the act...