Skyclad- Irrational Anthems

Flaming Death

It must have been strange
Jul 23, 2002
Irrational Anthems
Century Media (1996)

I was browsing the local metal store a few days ago and came across a few Skyclad albums. I remembered seeing that name somewhere so I picked up the album I thought had the nicest cover. I brought home Irrational Anthems and I was pleasantly surprised when I put it in my CD player.

Skyclad hail from Great Britain and play what I would call folk metal. They have lots of thrash and punk inspired riffing but with lots of folk elements as well. Irrational Anthems starts off with a great thrashy song with some very humorous lyrics, actually most of the lyrics are funny. Upon first completion of the album I liked it pretty good and was satisfied with the purchase but then on my second spin of the album I began to like it even more.

I think I was looking up some information about Ensiferum of maybe Finntroll, when I saw the name Skyclad. I understand why their name came up now. The musical style is very similar but Ensiferum and Finntroll are a lot heavier and have growl style vocals. Sometimes, Irrational Anthems can remind you of Amorphis as well.

The vocals by Walkyier are good. They are not growl vocals but a more clean style but not power metal. The best part about this album is the awesome folk influences all over it. The guitar riffs are not exceptional but good and the solos are good. Overall though, this is a great package and a very worthy purchase. It has a very nice album cover too. My listening suggestion is The Sinful Ensemble. I give this album a 9/10


Song List
1. Inequality Street
2. The Wrong Song
3. Snake Charming
4. Penny Dreadful
5. The Sinful Ensemble
6. My Mother in Darkness
7. The Spiral Staircase
8. No Deposit, No Return
9. Sabre Dance
10. I Dubious
11. Science Never Sleeps
12. History Lessens
13. Quantity Time for more great reviews
While not the most technically skilled singer, Martin Walkyier is probably one of the best lyricists (is there a word like that?) in underground metal.