SL or Morningrise.

SL or Morningrise?

  • Still Life

    Votes: 49 67.1%
  • Morningrise

    Votes: 24 32.9%

  • Total voters


Here comes the apple, zed
Oct 13, 2005
Vancouver Island.
I hate lame polls to a great extent, but theres something I've been wondering about. When people speak of their favorite albums the majority tend to say Still Life or Morningrise. In every poll I have seen, Morningrise has always come out on top as a favorite so it ought to be interesting how this one goes. So, which is the best?

I'm DEFINETLEY going with SL.
Back in the day, no one really talked about MAYH that much, and Morningrise was where it was at. Now it's more focused on SL and MAYH here. This is wrong. Morningrise is supreme. All hail the great Morningrise.
prowlergrig said:
Interesting how all lame poll threads start with "i hate lame polls" :erk:

Interesting how its so lame yet you bother to spend time posting in it.
Anyways MoL, I'm not huge on Morningrise. It has some great moments, but overall, I prefer a lot of other Opeth albums a lot more. MAYH and SL are my favorite albums to date.

And as far as the poll goes I DO hate polls, but I figured with all the polls involving Morningrise, people generally pick it as a favorite. And a lot of others say SL is a favorite, so I thought it might be interesting to see what happens.

PS. My apologies for the bullshit above. I realize this forum is for talking about Opeth, but frankly I dont feel the need to take shit from some lippy, low intellegence American, or anyone for that matter.
I appreciate the consistency of Morningrise. It's probably Opeth's least experimental album. TBYF was somewhat unconventional, but it flowed very well with the album. Listening to Morningrise makes me feel as if I am on a journey. What some people criticize as being wandering aimless song structures, I find to be varied, yet epic.

The lyrics aren't related in a total concept, but each song has a developed story to it that stands alone. These five vignettes together share common themes. I can't think of another album where the lyrics match the music quite so well.

Morningrise just has so many beautiful moments, too. The acoustics are very pretty. Probably only matched by Patterns in the Ivy II.
Still Life.

No wonder people talk poorly about the Opeth forum...cant go far without two people speaking poorly of each other.
Morningrise. I don't think there are any weak moments on this album. Every time I listen to it, I'm constantly amazed at how great it is. I think it has by far the best acoustic moments that Opeth have ever done and it has the most interesting bass lines as well. And of course, the atmosphere of Morningrise is unmatched. This album and My Arms, Your Hearse are the only two Opeth albums that give me chills when I listen to them.
Morningrise. It may be my favorite album of all time. Still Life is right behind it though.
Hmmmm, very hard choice. SL was my first Opeth album so is obviously very special. However, Morningrise helped me through a very hard time in my life and if I were to say that it helped me to keep going, and stay alive through said time I wouldn't be lying. This may seem gay to many people, but hey it gave/gives me strength listening to it and I owe that album a lot. But SL is so darn good. I can't really choose but Morningrise does have BRI which could pretty much be an album in itself.

I'm gonna be lame and take a safe bet by saying whichever one I am listening to at the time is my favourite, and not vote. Sorry to go on, just got back from the pub and well beer makes me ramble, lol.
Morningrise, although its a hard choice there are too many songs off Still Life that I don't really think are all that great E.g White Cluster, Benighted, Face Of Melinda