Slappy kicks


New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
right so im convinced its no longer the sample as lasse's kicks are the tits and for some reason im having trouble getting the sound i want,

im looking for something like the new betraying the martyrs that Charles did or the kick in the new BOO record. it has to be post processing but i cant fathom it. any help would be much appreciated guys :)
Slappy kicks are badass, I favour them over the 'clicky' variety for almost every mix I do.
I find that "click" resides in the 4-7k range, where you bring out the beater sound. The "slap" starts around 8k onwards, so shelf that fucker and boost it. I like a bit of both tbh, but with the slap being the slightly more dominant tone.

Slate's kick 10 is a great slappy kick when its top end is boosted, it can get super wet. Also the Faderhead kick from Erkan's drum pack is super slappy!

You're not wrong - it is post processing. However, the kick does have to have the ability to have those frequencies exaggerated, so find a sample that's inherently a little slappy to begin with, then boost it.
Slate kick10 rules.

30hz - 70hz sub
70hz - 125hz thump
125hz - 400hz boom
400 hz - 1khz gnarly mids
1khz - 4khz SMACK POWAH
4khz - 8khz plastic
8khz - 11~12khz presence
12khz < air

just EQ it to taste with all masterbus processing OFF like you would with any kickdrum, NO compression. then you place some masterbus shieet like compressor and 5000 limiters, now your kick is gonna sound like crap again. then you use another EQ (leave the one you had) and cut alot of boom like around 200-300hz with a farily wide q and boost a bit of slap at around 12khz and then you place a narrow narrow cut at 50~60 hz until it's sounding more like a kick drum and less like a trance bass. this is how I get the slappy kickz when I have kids of the forlorn sturgis generation in my studio. the kick may sound like ass solo'd, but in the mix...