Slaughter Live ...... ? huh ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I might have to stop poking at hair bands. : ( Nah maybe not !!!!

I was in K-Mart a few days ago flipping through a discount CD rack near the register while my wife was "finishing up" her shopping. I happened accross a Slaughter "Extended Versions" CD for like six bucks. My wife is Japanese and wasn't in America during the hair explosion so I threw it in the cart. I thought she might like it. Hey they weren't bad for a hair band anyway. I liked a couploe of his VVI stuff, so I might like some of this.
When we got in the van, I chunked it in the player and the first thing I heard was crowd noise. "Fuck this is a live CD" I thought to myself. I'm not big on live CDs, but I let it play. Well I pretty much got my ass kicked by Mark after that. It hasn't changed my mind about hair metal, but it has changed my mind about Mark Slaughter as a vocalist. He got a little sissiefied while talking to the audience in a super shrill voice but when he sang the songs, he absolutely smoked. I was impressed.

Now that Death Metal band Slaughter were grand.... STRAAAAAPPADOOOO...

Yet I haven't heard this Slaughter... and I may now check them out as you suggest their grandness is grand.
Well they are still a hair band and still sound like one. The songwriting is ok for a hairband, but you will have to appreciate it for what it is...... Having said that, I'm not exaggerating Mark Slaughter's performance. I can honestly say, that is one of the top ten live vocal performances I have ever heard, but it is pop-metal tunes more or less.

Soilworker said:
Pop Metal... other metal... all the same...

I will enjoy it. And I love a good vocal performance.

Well I don't want to run this thread into the ground, but the CD costs like four bucks online. I don't really know buty a few of the songs that are on there and it was from the 80's MTV videos and they aren't particularly my favorites as far as style etc but vocal performance makes up for it. Mark Slaughter is one singing MF.
One band considered a hair bad that I always respected vocally was Skid Row as Sab is frankly bad-ass on CD and live, but Mark might have ousted him in the live department. I'm not easily impressed, so if you do like oustanding vocal petrformances, I( think you'll dig this disc.
