Slayer InStore In SF After Warfeild Show....Signing Box Set Release

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
SLAYER To Sign Copies Of Box Set At San Francisco In-Store - Nov. 19, 2003

SLAYER will be signing copies of their long-awaited "Soundtrack To The Apocalypse" box set on Monday night (November 24) at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) at Tower Records in San Francisco.

Here's the store info:

Tower Records/Video
2525 Jones Street
San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 885-0500

As previously reported, "Soundtrack To The Apocalypse" includes tracks spanning every SLAYER album since 1986, soundtrack cuts, Japan-only tracks, more than a dozen rarities, and a DVD of live performances spanning 20 years, all digitally remastered. The deluxe edition adds a full-length concert CD from SLAYER's 2002 "God Hates Us All" tour stop in Anaheim, California, presented in a "blood pack" sleeve (with faux blood and floating skulls). The tour was the band's first with original drummer Dave Lombardo since 1992. The deluxe edition also includes a wall banner and replica backstage laminate. Both editions have an extensive, 60-page booklet spotlighting a history based on interviews with each member and long-time producer Rick Rubin.

From BlabberMouth.Net
I saw that and said "OH SHIT!!", because I work at the Tower at Stonestown. My little black heart was crushed when it was for the Castro Tower, and not mine.

There's no metal in Casto! That place sells nothing but dance records and Madonna!
Brooks said:
I saw that and said "OH SHIT!!", because I work at the Tower at Stonestown. My little black heart was crushed when it was for the Castro Tower, and not mine.

There's no metal in Casto! That place sells nothing but dance records and Madonna!
Thats not the Casto Tower Store, they are appearing at, it's in North Beach, at Bay & Columbus, near the Fisherman's Wharf........alot better than wondering around the Midnight no less.......thats for sure!