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New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2002
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She is a lying SLUT. She is not a virgin. Virgins do not dress like WHORES.

I wouldn't be caught dead in the clothes she leaves the house in.

I'm sorry that the three of you are so disillusioned.

If britney IS a whore....what is her pimps number? And how much to abuse EVERY orifice of her sweet, supple little "virgin" body?
I just want ta tap it like a keg!:lol:
Say what you want about Anthrax but shut your filthy wang suckers when it comes to Brit.

You guys get the Britney Valentines for VD? Yummy.

I haven't seen Crossroads yet but my brother says that's going to make quite the spank worthy DVD. First scene: WHITE PANTIES. You get the ass shot, camel toe, everything. Then later you get her in pink panties and bra wearing a tuxedo jacket. Can you say "PRESS SLOWMO" on the DVD remote. Can't wait. Other than that the movie's pretty vapid but I say it's necessary torture. I might have to drag myself to the theatre to see it.

Not a virgin, not yet a ho-bag,

PS - Scott told me one of his buddies from high school is Britney's tour manager. I told him if he was joking I was going to recircumcise his penis with spork but he said this guy's her tour manager and he's talked to him on the phone. Can you say "BRENT GETS PASSES THIS SUMMER". Insert manical laughter now.
Let me put this another way:

If Britney is a virgin, so am I.
Need I remind you that I have a child? And no, my name is NOT Mary. Sorry guys.

As for Crossroads, the only people going to see that are 12 year old girls that want to be like her (oh the horror!!) and grown men who want her. I'm thinking that piece of crap is going to bomb the way the NSUCK movie did. I did hear that she gets it on with some guy in the movie though. Just reliving her times with her many men, huh?? I bet her fag boyfriend isn't the only one she's giving it up to.

But Brent, I will say, if there was ever a plus in knowing Scott, his knowing her manager is it.

Oh and I saw the Britney Valentines at the store yesterday. They were on clearance. $.50 each. I should have got them to deface them, that's some cheap entertainment right there. I hope they're still there today.