Slayer wins a Grammy


the kinder, gentler me
Jan 1, 2005
Been meaning to post this for a couple of weeks now....

While watching the Grammys, I noticed a little ticker flash that stated Slayer won Best Metal something or another.

Just wanna say - AWESOME!!! \M/

Back in the mid 80's I used to bug the fuck out on Hell Awaits and Reign In Blood....never, ever would I have thought that this dark and evil band would go on to win such a coveted award. Congrats!

Now if they could just have Andy or CR produce them maybe I'd buy one of their new records...:Smug:
I watched the grammys for the result, and must have been on the crapper, when they showed the win. So, I heard this on Hard attack just yesterday. This is fucking great! And Rick Rubin wins one for a "Dixie Chicks" album.:lol:
You see that E! was making fun of Mastodon for their style at the Grammys? Funniest shit Ive seen in awhile.

Best metal performance. How the hell do they determine that? Where did they perform this that made them win this category? I'm not saying they don't deserve any awards, sure they do, and congratulations to them, that's cool but The Grammys...what a joke. What a load of crap made up category.
"Maybe we should do a little something for metal fans so they don't complain that we're leaving them out."
I don't think that's the case at all...

Maybe it's more like, "These guys played a huge part in the evolution of Heavy Metal music, they've been doing this for 25 years with hardly a compromise, and they deserve some recognition."

There aren't enough metal fans for NARAS to give a rat's ass about what we think.
I didn't know about that. That's great. While I'm not a real fan of Slayer I appreciate the way they do it and it's cool they're getting officially recognized. Although I'm surprised they showed up, they seem like a band that would have just said "fuck the Grammys!" :lol:

Need I remind you that they gave one to Milli Vanilli? Sure, the session vocalists were great, but the wrong guys got the award.

Or one to Jethro Tull for "Best Metal Performance."

Or one to Soundgarden for, yes, you guessed it, "Best Metal Performance" for that godawful plie of shit, "Spoonman."

Regarding the latter atrocity, I made a dedication on MuchMusic's (Canada's MTV) Power 30 show, to "The morons who gave 'Spoonman'the metal Grammy." The song was Wrathchild America: Surrounded by Idiots. Surprisingly enough, they played it.

Sometimes I wonder if the people who give out Grammys actually listen to music. ....The people who write for Rolling Stone magazine certainly don't.

I think he's talented too, but I just had to be a smartarse as based on your previous comments about him, it's pretty evident how much you love the guy! :D