

Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, I know I will probably be in the vast minority.....

Anyone here going to Slayer at the Allstate Arena on Monday?

I was lucky enough to score some tix for WAY under face value.

I saw them last year, and they still are great live.
Not sure what the consensus is around these parts on Slayer....
Slayer f'ing rules and still rules live....however, I've seen them
a handful of times in the last few years and didn't want to
drop the coin for that show even though it will be killer.

have fun!
Thanks Chris, will do!
I first saw Slayer on the South of Heaven tour way back when.
A couple years back, I saw them again for the tour where they did Reign in Blood in its entirety. I could not believe how great they were live.

I have only seen them at the Aragon, so it will be interesting to see how they come off on the big stage.
I've only seen them at Ozzfests, and both times spent the entire hour facing backwards defending myself from flying chunks of sod being thrown into the seats from the lawn. They sounded great though!

Someday I'll see them indoors.
I will not be at this show. The Slayer/Manson bill struck me as odd from the get go...not so much the bands but the mixing of the band's respective fans. Scary. I too have seen Slayer quite a few times in the last few years and don't mind passing this whirl around.
For those that are attending...tear it up! :headbang:
Yeah, I am not thrilled about being surrounded by Manson fans.
At least it will be an early night!!! Good too, being a Monday.

I unfortunately, due to a girl I was dating at the time, have seen Manson live once before, when he opened for Nine Inch Nails about 12 years ago or so. I know it is all a shtick, but I found the performance extremely disturbing to watch and listen to.

I am very curious to see the turnout.

Slayer has toured a lot in the past few years, so I can certainly see and understand why a lot of die hard fans would pass this up.

Does Manson still have fans? I assume all his older fans are probably into dark emo-ish stuff these days, ala My Chemical Romance, etc. Not much of a "cool" factor to sport a Manson shirt in 2007. :lol:
I expect a full report from anyone that is going.

I was a Manson fan a decade ago. Sorry to disappoint you Jason, but I do not like any dark emo-crap now. :p I never saw Manson live and honestly lost interest after "Anti-Christ Superstar", which was my favorite album released from them. I even bought the first home video (yes, I have it on VHS. Shut it.) where I got a good look into Manson's twisted mind. Despite the creepy factor, I did feel that he was pretty intelligent. Like I said though, the last decade has seen nothing decent from him musically IMO, and he has stretched far beyond the weirdness. Do they still have any fans? I dunno. I guess Monday's show will tell. ;)
That's cool if you were a fan of the music.
For me, my first exposure to him period was when I saw him live
(I don't even think his album was officially out yet).
If it was, there certainly weren't any "hits" on the radio.

One of his rants was about what he wanted to do to a 10 year old girl....

I know it's all an act, but that's the type of comment that will keep me from giving his music a fair shot.

I will certainly report back after the show.
I probably won't be staying for Manson though.
You guys won't believe this.
I just WON a pair of BOX seats to the SLAYER show, from work.....

If anyone is interested, I have a pair of tix (Sec 116) available for the show, which I am willing to let go for under face value...

PM me if interested..
Is your company hiring??? I want to work for a company that gives out SLAYER tickets!!!

I dunno, check out You NEVER know!

I am a little worried seeing Slayer with people from my work.....

I mean, how loud can I scream, "Reign in Blood! From the lacerated skies......................"

The others here who I saw that won are certainly not metal fans.
I wonder how they will react to the inverted crosses that will fly across the cieling during "South of Heaven" :lol:

BTW - I still have the extra pair if anyone is interested. I just want to cut my losses a little bit, so I will be unloading these fairly cheap.
Ironically I'm more interested in Manson than Slayer, though not by much. Slayer was never anything I cared much for. :( Manson, however, was one of those artists I liked during my "goth" phase and I still enjoy the odd tune...

Though he needs to stop doing terrible covers of good songs.
Just a few more hours until I see SLAYER from a Corporate box!!! :lol:

Should be interesting....

I got free parking, though from what I understand, no free food or beer... :(
As is the detailed report!

As I had mentioned previously, I scored tix to the company box at Allstate Arena. In addition, I scored free parking at the "easy outs" boxholder parking lot. SWEET!

My bro and I arrived at the Allstate about 45 minutes before the scheduled 7PM start time. Perfect amount of time for the mandatory lap around the lobby of the arena for people watching, and viewing the overpriced merchandise. To my surprise, there really weren't too many folks "gothed" out. I expected a lot more. I guess the teeny bopper goth fad is out. It seemed just like your normal hard rock / metal crowd.

We later find out how to get into the corporate boxes. There are actually numbered doors in the lobby to get to them. In other words, as long as no one would kick you out, it's pretty easy to sneak into them!!!!

I found our box, and a woman from my work with her 16 year old son. She had told me previously, "Oh yea, he likes all that heavy stuff". I introduce myself to him, and the first thing he says is, "OH man. I am so excited. I didn't know Bleeding Through was playing!!!" I could have ripped him a new one right there on the spot, but the kid's mom was there. How could I? He was so excited too. Anyhow, we got to talking, and he is actually very knowledgable of metal (Though he favors metalcore). I told him I had seen BT before at the Metro. To which he says, "You have been to the METRO???" Then I told him they were opening for the HAUNTED, to which he replies, "You saw the HAUNTED and Bleeding Through at the METRO????" I didn't have the heart to tell him it was one of the more lamer shows I have been to, but whatever. He seemed like a good kid. Though here are some excerpts from our conversation (IE - things "HE" said):
- "I prefer newer In Flames to older In Flames"
- "I used to love TRIVIUM when they played metalcore, I don't like them as much now that they sound like older METALLICA"
- "Lars Ulrich's drumming got a lot more technical on St Anger"

These quotes are ver batim! (SP???)

Anyhow, a couple minutes later Bleeding Through took to the stage. Nothing to really say here. They are completely awful in my opinion, and that's not just because I don't like metalcore. There are some bands who play that genre that you can tell have some genuine talent as musicians (IE - LoG, Shadows Fall, etc). These guys don't. The singer is an annoying twit who couldn't get through any in-between song banter without dropping 4 F-bombs.

Now to more important things.......SLAYER!

It was fairly obvious that while Manson has a lot of fans, it was the presence of SLAYER at this show that brought the people out.

They opened with something new off of Christ Illusion, I assume. Next they did War Ensemble, Chemical Warfare, and Ghosts of War! How's that for a 1-2-3 punch? I am really bad at remembering the order of setlists. Other songs played were Hell Awaits, South of Heaven, Disciple, Cult, Raining Blood, Angel of Death, and a couple more I didn't know. I was very happy with this setlist, as it was a good mix of old and new. The stage show was great also, with a separate video for each track (Which is very similar to what they did on the Unholy Alliance tour last summer for those familiar). Another cool thing they did was two huge inverted crosses made out of amp speakers. Another fine Slayer performance. Do they really ever have an off night? I have yet to see one. Sure, they may not ever write another studio album that many care about, but they still are a great live band.

We were going to take off right after Slayer, but the seating right in front of the box was very spacious and comfy. A whole bunch of us stayed, hung out, and shot the shit. There are two rows of 5 seats each in front of the box.

Next was Manson. I was more interested in seeing his stage show than anything else. You know what? It was nothing to write home about. All he really had was a video screen and some lights on the side of the stage. Periodically, a character would come out or he would bring out some prop, but it was nothing very shocking. We stayed for maybe 8 songs. The only 2 "hits" played during that time were "Sweet Dreams" and "The Dope Show". Not too much excitement from the crowd. Slayer stole the night hands down.

I guess not to anyone's surprise, the entire balcony was empty, save maybe 100 people total. The floor and mezzanine were filled though. This show could have easily been at the Congress or Aragon.

Overall, a fun night. I think having the corporate box made it a unique experience. It was cool to see Slayer on a big stage, as I have only seen them in the past at the Aragon multiple times.

Sorry, I know this was long, but a few of you wanted details, so there you go!
And what Jasonic show review would be complete without a crappy cell phone pic!!!
Thanks for the review Jason. Interesting how the crowd was a typical metal crowd. I had no doubts that it wouldn't sell out...but yeah, the Slayer fans usually come out in droves. I'm surprised that Manson didn't have a more grandiose stage setup to coincide with his equally grandiose persona. I suppose my suspicions were true then.

Gotta hand it to you for keeping your cool during your conversation with the youngin...I don't know if I could have held my tongue!

I was getting worried. A show review just doesn't seem complete without your famous crappy cell phone pic! :lol: I can rest easy now.
Hahahaha, yea my crappy cell phone pics are legendary!!!
Thank god we have Rebecca here to balance things out with high quality photos.

I did have to hold back a bit when talking to my friends son.
He seemed genuinely enthusiastic about the music he likes.
He admits there is a difference between "heavy metal" and "metalcore" and that "metalcore" is not true metal.