Slayers drummer...

True, but I think Paul gets unfairly judged because he had to fill in for Dave, its a tough job :D
yea Paul is unfailry looked upon...e is ood just aint no bloody Dave Lombardo.....anyone ever look listen to Daves band band after slayer..stupid keyboard restricts wat tey were called :mad:
dave did Testamet's "the gatharing" as well , didn't he ...

Now that album was perfict , only bad thing was the lack of the Usual Testament solos ..........

Dave IS better than Paul , but Paul did prove that he can cut a slayer gig , maybe cause dave wrote tmost of the stuff "i think he did" and he's more comfertable with it i guess , and you can never be 100% comfertable playing someone else's shit .... well not if you could have done it a little different ....

you know who should fill in .... Graham from "infernal method" ...
not even dark order could keep up with this guy when he filled in ...... so accurat , full power , very technical , and a great muso .. :)

for the blink drumer to turn it down , guess it takes balls to say no , his punk background would have done him Very well , i agree but if he's happy where he is , then he should stay there :) , it's really not just about speed "it's important still i know", but it's sustaining the power through out ... when i played the Slayer shit on drums "and i love it " , biggest thing is keeping up the same power without starting to loose dynamics from song to song , the level of fitness required to pull a 10 song gig is fucking mind blowing ... the level of consintration the drummers have to be at while playing thrash is really amazing , and demanding .
Originally posted by Southy
yea Paul is unfailry looked upon...e is ood just aint no bloody Dave Lombardo.....anyone ever look listen to Daves band band after slayer..stupid keyboard restricts wat tey were called :mad:

Do you mean Grip Inc.? They were ok for an album or two, nothing to write home about, though.
Have you guys heard "The Almighty Punchdrunk" with Gene Hoglan?

Holy :eek: fucking :eek: crap!


Very scary drummer!