Slayer's Jeff Hanneman R.I.P.

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
I can't belive no one has started a thread about this 24 hours later so I guess it will be me! Fuck This SUCKS!! I'm not too surprised because I heard from a source about 2 monts ago that Jeff wasn't doing well and not taking care of himself like he should. I was really hopping the guy was aggressively rehabiltating himself and getting ready to return to Slayer where he belongs. I thought and hopped it was just another set back and he'd get it togther. Truly tragic. Very funny guy too even though he kept the lowest profile out of the band. I only met him once in '85. The rest of the guys I've met numerous times. My friend Gary Holt of Exodus I guess will be the offical new guitarist yet he belongs in Exodus and that's his baby. So far he's been balancing both and Exodus have done tours with their old guitarist Rick Hunolt filling on for Gary when he tours with Slayer. Hey how can you turn down a gig like that? Yet still this is truly sad. Jeff's presense will be sorely missed in Slayer.
I was shocked and nearly fell out of my chair when I heard the news. Now is Exodus Gary Holt filling in as a permanent member? I can't imagin slayer without Jeff.