sleep terror

Now that's some wacky shit!!

Alex (Webster) sent me that link a few months ago. I think the guitarist is a good friend of his.

So what genre would you guys put this band/project in? Is this also "technical metal"?? They sound a bit like Dillinger Escape Plan to me...

Awesome band, I have their cd rocking in my basement right now. I would classify them as technical death metal with some jazz elements. They don't really give me a DEP vibe, but I know the guitar player does like that band a lot.
Came across this band a couple of weeks ago. Am i the only one not knocked on their feet by this stuff? It's interesting and all that, but i think it's lacking something. Sure it's technical and takes great skill to play, but that's all it is to me. They have thier moments where i think "yeah wow, that's an awesome part" but from what i've heard that doesn't happen too often. Well, just my opinion.
You want a technical death-jazz band who it really well? Check out Alarum from Australia. Sure, not as brutal as Sleep Terror, but in my opinion they are much better.
sands of the seas said:
Came across this band a couple of weeks ago. Am i the only one not knocked on their feet by this stuff? It's interesting and all that, but i think it's lacking something. Sure it's technical and takes great skill to play, but that's all it is to me. They have thier moments where i think "yeah wow, that's an awesome part" but from what i've heard that doesn't happen too often. Well, just my opinion.
You want a technical death-jazz band who it really well? Check out Alarum from Australia. Sure, not as brutal as Sleep Terror, but in my opinion they are much better.
I think Sleep Terror has potential, some really good parts, but not quite there yet. They need to fix their lineup to start with.

Now, Alarum I really don't like. They are missing even more (they have great ideas and good riffs and good musicianship, but there's too much crap mixed into the whole thing, that in turn become really uneven mindless constructions instead of real songs). Also, Australians with heavy Australian accents shouldn't be allowed near a mic :) Their "metal" riffs are pretty substandard and unimaginative, and some choruses are almost numetalish. But hey, that's just me.
That's fair enough i can understand your comments about Alarum. I don't agree with all of them but music is subjective. I'd just like to clear one thing up that you said Taedium Vitae. When you were talking about sub-standard and unimaginative riffs, were you referring to Australian metal in general, or Alarum specifically?

Anyway, didn't mean to turn this thread into an Alarum discussion, was just a passing comment.
I completely agree that Sleep Terror has a lot of potential. I'm not saying i'm unimpressed, it's just everybody i've heard talk about them seems to hail them as though they're the messiah or something. They are a great band and i'm sure they'll become greater.
Discussions about real tech/progressive bands are VERY welcome on this forum. I don't have a problem with that at all. And I doubt that Greg (moderator) does either (although I don't care too much for the obvious self-promotion stuff.)

The more tech/prog bands you guys bring up, the better. I don't care if it has elements of jazz, fusion, death metal, thrash, whatever. If the players can play, feel free to let us know about them.


P.S. I'd like nothing more than for more tech/prog bands to surface, so the real progressive metal genre will get it's name back.

Screw the lame, puss keyboard metal bands...
Yeah, I try to weed out the self-promotion stuff. If I see the same post in a few forums, I'll delete it. Anyone that specifically comes here to tell us about their band is generally ok, though, because they obviously feel that they'll appeal to fans of Ink and Tower, so it should at least have some potential.

Plus I like getting updates from Behold... the Arctopus and Actual Time because otherwise I'd never know when they put out new stuff :)

As for Sleep Terror, there were moments of brilliance, but overall I got bored. Too many blast beats, or whatever they're called. I think they have potential, though.

As for Alarum, I enjoyed their debut and the 2002 promo was excellent. I have yet to hear their new one, though Mark (their guitarist) said he was sending me a copy months ago. Maybe he got sidetracked.

One of my favorite tech death bands was Illogicist. Their demos were incredible, but unfortunately, they genericized their sound on their debut, I'm guessing to get more label support. 'Tis a shame, I thought they had huge potential.
Very interesting, sorta fun to listen to. They do seem to be slaves to the pattern:

1. Adjective-Noun song title format (ok, ginsu as an adjective may be a stretch)

2. Jazz interlude about 40 seconds in.

3. When in doubt, rest (at least 37 times per song)

I'm just glad it didn't have any vocals. I was bracing myself, just in case there were any. Even better, NO KEYBOARDS!!!!

Wonder what they sound like live?
If any of you want to find out what they sound like live, check this show out if you live in Cali or somewhere close:

Deeds Of Flesh
Decrepit Birth
Sleep Terror

When: February 26, 2005.
Where: Brick By Brick 1130 Buenos Ave San Diego

Too bad I live in Minnesota or I would be there in a second. The other bands are very technical in their own right. It's worth checking out if you like technical death metal. Just a heads up for anyone in the area.
sands of the seas said:
I'd just like to clear one thing up that you said Taedium Vitae. When you were talking about sub-standard and unimaginative riffs, were you referring to Australian metal in general, or Alarum specifically?
Alarum. As for Australian music/metal in general... actually, there isn't much good stuff over there (not that I know of anyway). Which is weird since I seem to recall there's a good jazz scene over there (Melbourne, aye?). Just a few super musicians (Gambale (don't like his music though), Garsed, Donati (and his partners in crime), Sam Aliano) and then everyone else is pretty much unknown hehe... Psycroptic are Australian, right? Not a fan of them either.

It's a bit odd, that's all.

I fully agree with you Ron... the stuff that's called "progmetal" today is just lame melodic metal/power metal that's wholly derivative. Progressive metal is dead (even progmetal — I make distinction between the two), except for a few ones that's normally not considered to be progressive metal (TOOL). The rest is just some crappy numetal instead.

I want my new Martyr album please!
Ok thanks for clearing that up. I can definitely see what you mean with Alarum. I'm not really sure about the jazz scene down here since i'm not that in touch with it, or with jazz in general. I'm still only just getting into it, and metal is how i got into jazz in the first place so i'm sort of gradually getting into less and less metal oriented jazz (for lack of better words). And Alarum are really the only local band i'm aware of you at least make an attempt at a metal/jazz combo.
On The Virg, as you kind of mentioned, were i think Australian based. I'd love another On The Virg album. One can dream :p