Slightly controversial?

i can't think of whole songs, but there parts to songs. like the beginning of dirge for november when he's singing alone. that sounds a like a coffee shop performer. and towards teh end of drapery falls when they do the vocal harmony to "waking up to you sound again..." it sounds like a bunch of kids at church camp or something holding hands. i dont like that part.
I'll tend to skip "The Moor." It's not that I dislike it, really, but when I want to have a beat to walk to or something, Moonlapse Vertigo has a lot more to offer right off the bat.

But there's nothing I really DISLIKE. There's some things on the older albums, elements in all the songs that are more prominent in some, or in parts of some.. like the old bass sound, that I dislike. Too.. high in tone, I guess? Sounds nicer as a "feeling," which is what bass should be, in my opinion.. like in The Drapery Falls. FANTASTIC bass. mm. :) Now I've gone and started talking about what I like.. look at what you made us do! By examining what we dislike, we discover again, or to a new level, what we already held in high regard! Gee, thanks! :p
I've mentioned this a few times before... I think the middle section of Dirge for November is probably the weakest passage of time in Opeth's catalogue because it not only fails to be dynamic, it's downright repetitive. There's no stretch of time on any of the previous records that goes that long with that little variation. I'm also not a huge fan of Funeral Portrait (relative to everything else by Opeth). Past that, there isn't one moment of Opeth I could live without.
i think, more to-the-point than "which Opeth track don't you like?" would be "what opeth track don't you listen to as much right now?"

i don't know about everyone else, but the general tendency of my music listens is to latch on to a couple-three tracks and listen the hell out of them, occasionally listening to others.

then i'll put the album away, and an indeterminable amount of time later, bring it out, listen to one of my non-favorite tracks, find something cool about it, and listen the hell out of it.

there are no songs or parts that i don't like... the only question is what i like more.
Hails Everyone!
This is my first post and i'm glad to be part of this forum.

Black Rose Immortal is the only song I can't listen to completely.
I can listen to it for like 8 minutes then when the acoustic part comes up its just way too long. At least for me :eek:
Besides that, Opeth are just too good to skip.
Wooow.... really? When the acoustics kick in at around the 9 minute mark of Black Rose Immortal is probably my favourite part of any Opeth song. The whole "sunbirds leave their dark recesses..." just melts me.

To each his own - welcome to the forum!
I tend to skip "karma", and in fact when I think of MAYH i'm thinking about april, when, demon, epilogie, credence-- i'm not thinking about karma, though I really like it. I get the humble suspicion that all these songs that I may least like or least listen to are all just waiting to be discovered and loved.

As for dirge for november which it seems has been mentioned twice as the least liked-- i like it. I like the beginning vocals, i like the bluesy guitar, and I like the middle section too. Understood correctly, it has a very fatalisitic "Doomy" feel to it, which believe it or not, is not common to the Opeth aesthetic. The song gives a very nice variety and breadth to the scope of Opeth music, that in the end makes me admire and esteem Blackwater Park all the more. Initially, I disliked the Dirge for the same reasons already stated-- repetive, out of character singing in the intro etc.
I always avoid the boring "Requiem", but I guess that one isn't a "real" song. Of the real songs, I sometimes skip "Nectar", "Dirge for November", "Forest of October" and "White Cluster" and, if I'm in a hurry or something, "The Amen Corner"....
The only thing I can really think of is like mentioned before, the middle section of Dirge. Not that it isn't good. Hell, it's still better than most shit out there. It's just that I find it a little repetitive and a tad boring after a while. Now that I think about it I rarely listen to BWP in its entirety. I often play my favorites off of it (Leper, Bleak, Harvest, and Drapery) and then put in a different Opeth cd. I love BWP, but as a whole, it's my least favorite Opeth cd.

There's some things on the older albums, elements in all the songs that are more prominent in some, or in parts of some.. like the old bass sound, that I dislike. Too.. high in tone, I guess? Sounds nicer as a "feeling," which is what bass should be, in my opinion..

-Man, that's one of the things I absolutely love about the first 2 Opeth cd's-the bass! It's often used almost like a 3rd guitar and to me it adds an added element of emotion to the music. I really miss this aspect in Opeth's newer material though I don't really feel that that particular type of bass tone would fit in very well with the newer guitar tone.
i LOVE the begining of "Dirge For November", i like the mid section too, but i reckon it's not all that good, i'm not a big fan of "Black Rose Immortal", "The Funeral Portrait" and "Blackwater Park" as well....
Yeah, I second your point, Soul Forlorn, on the bass. The bass sound on Morningrise is killer. Mikael's gone on about how he didn't like it because he prefers a "bass" sound, not a "solo instrument" the way Johan was playing it and I can see where he's coming from... but it just sounds so cool. The bass totally sells Morningrise - it's in a lot of places the most active and interesting element of the music. Can you imagine To Bid You Farewell with no bass?
You guys win on To Bid You Farewell without bass, but the song is almost entirely acoustic.. and that sound works with acoustic. But with distorted guitars it sounds too clean. you can make out all the notes in newer songs, and they don't necessarily need to sound like that high-tone punk-bass. I'm prejudiced too, when I was in the band, the bassist liked that sound and no one else did..

I'll just stop and thank whatever powers may be for giving both Johan and Martin the strength to avoid the low-tuned-no-note-bass sound favoured by nü-metallers..
I don't like the following songs as much as I like the others:

-Silhouette (boring and not so atmospheric)
-April Ethereal (I have mentioned this before - too brutal for my taste)
-Dirge for November (as said above, too repetitive)
-Into the Frost of Winter & Eternal Soul Torture (these early demo-tracks are just so far below...)
-Circle of the Tyrant (a bad cover-version of a bad song)

Also, I really dislike the beginning riff of In Mist She Was Standing - compared to all other Opeth album-openers, this one sucks. The song gets later better, though.

-Villain (np: The Black League - Ichor - "Doomwatcher")