Slightly Progessive Riffage


New Metal Member
Nov 24, 2009
Hey Guys I've been viewing the stuff on this forum for a while as a guest and
there's so much good shit on here it inspired me to try something new myself. Intro.mp3

I've been doing home and friends bands recording for ages but I want to get properly into it and get better at it,
so if you guys could give me any advice it'd be much appreciated.
cool, mega hollow guitars. mic closer to the center of the speaker.
cool riffz too mang, although i fail to hear even the slightest wiff of "progressive"
Aaah sweet cheers. Yea I'll give that a go next time, I've never mic'd a cab before.
Also I failed pretty epically at seeing the position of the cab through the Grill Cloth ha.
See thats the thing, I don't really know how that happened.
I used a peavey valveking into a 1960cab with the Mid on 7 on one track and 8 on the other.
I probably scooped an excessive amount out with EQ accidentally, aswell as the wrong mic position.