Slipknot - Subliminal Verses Vol. 3 - Interview with Engieer

Havent read it yet but cheers all the same - I seem to remember somebody in the know suggestiong it was mostly replaced during mixing anyway, and although the attitude is great on slipknot records I've always hated the sound, but then they aren't about that are they.
Doesn't mean it wasn't replaced - I watched one guy fly through a track and replace all the kicks just using the transients - obviously that is easier than toms but it took him 10 minutes to do a 5 minute track with error checking, and he was using three different kick samples on three different tracks - need to work out that short cut in Tools - anyone?
moose209 said:
Doesn't mean it wasn't replaced - I watched one guy fly through a track and replace all the kicks just using the transients - obviously that is easier than toms but it took him 10 minutes to do a 5 minute track with error checking, and he was using three different kick samples on three different tracks - need to work out that short cut in Tools - anyone?

Go into AZ mode.

Make a track below track to be SRed. COPY sample. Go into Tab To transient mode... then repeat this key command about 1000 times....


Tab over to the transient, drop to lower track, paste, move back up to top track and repeat....takes a little longer than 10 minutes for me..but better and faster then anything else.
C_F_H_13 said:
Go into AZ mode.

Make a track below track to be SRed. COPY sample. Go into Tab To transient mode... then repeat this key command about 1000 times....


Tab over to the transient, drop to lower track, paste, move back up to top track and repeat....takes a little longer than 10 minutes for me..but better and faster then anything else.

He did it with two key commands only and on three tracks at once on mac - I have just looked at my keyboard and I think it has to do with copy grouped kicks, then move up to kick track then tab to transient press ; or p depending on track order and press copied group move edit selection down and repeat - I will investigate - useful if you dont have bettery or a similar program set up and you wanna use a blend of samples - forgot to ask him at the fucking time - smug git was well chuffed with himself though! Will try it out but the theory should be:

make kick samples group and then select the samples that you have imported to individual tracks. ctrl/command C (copy). move edit selection up or down (P or ;) to kick track.

Tab to transient to line up edit cusor to kick transient.

move edit selection down or up as before to get to sanple track
ctrl/command V repeat

although I'm pretty sure he used only two commands

Can you create macros in PT? Or record actions? If so that would be very very cool. Weel I'm doing PT in college tomorrow so I will inspect it then.
C_F_H_13 said:
Go into AZ mode.

Make a track below track to be SRed. COPY sample. Go into Tab To transient mode... then repeat this key command about 1000 times....


Tab over to the transient, drop to lower track, paste, move back up to top track and repeat....takes a little longer than 10 minutes for me..but better and faster then anything else.

Duuude, thank you. I've been replacing stuff totally by hand, zooming in and out, because I don't want to use a plug-in, and I couldn't remember how to do the "skip to transient" thing. Ridiculous, I know...but the end result always justified the time spent :)
moose209 said:
He did it with two key commands only and on three tracks at once on mac - I have just looked at my keyboard and I think it has to do with copy grouped kicks, then move up to kick track then tab to transient press ; or p depending on track order and press copied group move edit selection down and repeat - I will investigate - useful if you dont have bettery or a similar program set up and you wanna use a blend of samples - forgot to ask him at the fucking time - smug git was well chuffed with himself though! Will try it out but the theory should be:

make kick samples group and then select the samples that you have imported to individual tracks. ctrl/command C (copy). move edit selection up or down (P or ;) to kick track.

Tab to transient to line up edit cusor to kick transient.

move edit selection down or up as before to get to sanple track
ctrl/command V repeat

although I'm pretty sure he used only two commands

Can you create macros in PT? Or record actions? If so that would be very very cool. Weel I'm doing PT in college tomorrow so I will inspect it then.

You can make a group of kicks too, that was just an example. I generally take 3 seperate kick tracks and tab copy them to 1 kick...hell you could do 64 kicks at ounce if you wanted. I had made a macro using QUICKEYS where I'd click a button on my kensington and it would repeat that command 100 times. However I found that Pt couldn't keep up sometimes and the pastes would be less then perfect. So now I have that command programmed to a key...just keep clicking one mouse button till I'm done. pretty easy actually.

I got some pics from another forum that I made to show how I did this....if anyone is unclear I'll post them.

I'm not sure how you could do that with only 2 commands unless they were macros...who knows though..anyone?
im confused about what your doing exactly here in protools but i wana learn this... Please HELP A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaron Smith said:
Duuude, thank you. I've been replacing stuff totally by hand, zooming in and out, because I don't want to use a plug-in, and I couldn't remember how to do the "skip to transient" thing. Ridiculous, I know...but the end result always justified the time spent :)

shiit. I've been doing the same thing as you... and I'm getting really tired of it :). I've got to try this "tab to transient" method.
dunno if it's any good to you guys but the method for cubase sx is pretty simple...

*duplicate the track
*open the region by double cliking it,
*calculate hit points... set the sensitivity higher than necesary (all the hitpoints must register mistriggers matter not! as you just skip them by eye)
*right click the region an go hitpoints-create markers from hit points
*put the sample you want onto the clipboard
*now just start at the begining and ctrl/v to paste and ctrl/n or ctrl/b to go forward or backwrad respectivly
*also ctrl/m opens marker window to manage your markers (remember to remove them after you've done each track.)
*then delete the track under the triggers.....ta daaa!!!!

sounds crazy but seriously only takes about 30min to do a whole song tomms 'n all

hope that helps yo!

broken81 said:
anyone care to explain what exactly you all are doing??

Please :cry:
They're talking about replacing drum sounds on a recorded track, like drumagog, but offline.
They take the peaks on the original file as a reference to place the "new" drum sound.
Listening to Forbidden's "Green" album now, and toward the end of the "over the middle" song, there's this part that seems to have inspired Slipknot for the middle part (weird riff with weird vocal samples and then guitar solo shredding) of the "Pulse of the maggots" song.

Funny to discover this now (i just got into Forbidden), but not that surprising since Mick and Jim have always said they've been strongly influenced by Testament, Exodus, Metallica, Flotsam & Jetsam (and Forbidden :) ) in interviews.
The Testament influence is obvious too (cf : the "down for life" main riff/beat from Testament -> "Surfacing " main riff/beat by Slipknot).

EDIT : shameless necrothread fuck yeah