Got this horrible notion in my head, gotta let it out...
So Anthrax plays with John and blows everyone away BEFORE the Slipknot tour starts, yet the Slipknot dates are cancelled. If it was apparent that John was back in, wouldn't they go ahead with the Slipknot tour (obviously high profile) and blast forward? Why the "announcement" haitus? Missed opportunity if John is going to continue, right? If John rejoins officially and they miss the Slipknot tour, isn't that kinda bad planning? Just me, everyone? Someone pass me a beer
So Anthrax plays with John and blows everyone away BEFORE the Slipknot tour starts, yet the Slipknot dates are cancelled. If it was apparent that John was back in, wouldn't they go ahead with the Slipknot tour (obviously high profile) and blast forward? Why the "announcement" haitus? Missed opportunity if John is going to continue, right? If John rejoins officially and they miss the Slipknot tour, isn't that kinda bad planning? Just me, everyone? Someone pass me a beer