slipknot - vol 3 the subliminal verses 8/10


my tummy hurts
Oct 20, 2001
Amidst enlightenment and gloominess
ok, this little review is done by someone that had particular disgust and hatred towards the aforementioned band… I mean I hated all they stood for, their stupid nine members doing music that could be easily done by 4 persons, or less… power distorted chords and mostly that annoying guy dressed of clown. And lyrics rapped and teen angst orientated. This was when their first album came out, with wait and bleed, and more things… god, I only really liked a few songs from there, the rest made me quiver and vomit in disgust. Terrible times were those, and this would be the reason why when watching left behind video clip (which I thought to be good and a little psychotic) didn’t allow myself to check the album (the bruise was still breathing afresh)… but the ending part of this song had something crazy going on with Corey’s vocals... so i had something similar to curiosity hanging on inside.

But here I achieved, so I saw another video clip from this album, vermillion… it seemed different. So I downloaded the song from the net, a phrase got me “I won’t let this build inside of me”… and where’s all the profanity and continuous cursing (that I pretty much hated), the lyrics now seem to follow a new direction, a mature one.
And then after downloading some more songs, it stroked… acoustic guitars, violoncellos and flutes… and I was… WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? This is good, more melancholic than the average slipknot. Some wicked solos here and there, good riddance to the annoying DJ, and I can’t listen to the “exceeding” members drumming… but the vocals are very nicely done, different tones, different gutturals, layered multi vocal things going on… and after all of this, all I want to scream is: “I PUT MY FINGERS INTO MY EYES”… because this is not the kid thing I was habituated to, this is good. (some songs suck though, but I hardly listen to them, and maybe this is from them being recent on my ears too…

So, on my madness induced state (not by the music, but by my birth) the following vote is my judgment.

7.5 - 8/10

ps: if you are narrowminded it's ok, i was like that too... but you are missing some good stuff. peace:wave:
Interesting way of writing a review, but I suppose you got your point across. I too am a fan of this CD and of Slipknot to some extent. There is definitely an improvement in Vol. 3 in comparison to album 2 Iowa. While Iowa was trying to be as heavy as they could be (just like Pantera on Far Beyond Driven) without the best of songs, The Subliminal Verses lets the songs breath more and really flow.