SLIPKNOT's COREY TAYLOR Reacts To CHRIS FEHN's Lawsuit: 'Wait Till The Truth Comes Out'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor has apparently reacted to the news that percussionist Chris Fehn is suing the group. Earlier today, The Blast reported that Fehn had filed a lawsuit against his bandmates, claiming that he hasn't been properly compensated for his years of touring with SLIPKNOT. After news of the lawsuit started making the rounds, Taylor took to his Twitter account to write: "You're gonna read a lot of bullshit today. This is all I'll say. JUST YOU WAIT TIL THE TRUTH COMES OUT. Long Live The Knot." In his lawsuit, Fehn claims to have always been told that the money from merchandise and touring is funneled through one sole company that splits profits and pays the members of the band. However, Fehn claims he recently discovered that his bandmates have set up several other SLIPKNOT-affiliated business entities in different states that appear to be collecting money from the band. Fehn says he was unaware of the separate companies, and claims to have never received a dime from them. He specifically accuses band leaders Shawn Crahan and Corey Taylor of shady business dealings. Fehn wants a full forensic accounting done on SLIPKNOT's companies and assets, and to collect the damages and profits he believes he is owed. Fehn, known for wearing a Pinocchio-style mask, has been performing with SLIPKNOT since 1998 and participated in all of the band's albums.

You’re gonna read a lot of bullshit today. This is all I’ll say. JUST YOU WAIT TIL THE TRUTH COMES OUT.
Long Live The Knot.

— confirm: 0-0-0... DESTRUCT... 0 (@CoreyTaylorRock) March 14, 2019

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