SLO-BURN - Amusing the Amazing


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
SLO-BURN - Amusing the Amazing EP (1996)
Malicious Vinyl


1. The Prizefighter
2. Muezli
3. Pilot The Dune
4. July

Ah, the Mohave Desert. Where I was born and the place I escape to when I need to uh, escape. So I'm still a bit amused that it took me this many years to finally crack open the rich Cadbury egg that is its local music scene and feast on the sweet sweet goo inside. I have listened to a handful of stoner/desert/doom acts for a good many years, but didn't really dive into it with my best bong forward until 2004. One such discovery was SLO-BURN, the band commonly known as vocalist John Garcia's first post-KYUSS endeavor. What a brief and incredible jaunt it was.

KYUSS fans will be right at home with Amusing the Amazing, but what initially might appear as a copy, or even second rate version, of the modern founders of desert rock reveals itself to be quite an accomplished work. The riffs are heavy, the vocals snarling, and the drums could knock you down. This is basically a hidden gem you find when you stumble into some random bar in the middle of nowhere. "Oh good, they have bourbon that isn't too watered down, and some padding left in this stool here. Jesus, who the fuck is this band!? They are marvelous!" Then you and 3 other people completely relish in a musical revolution that nobody will ever pay attention to, a moment when a few longhairs (some in spirit only) are on a higher plane than ever thought to exist.

This album is worth searching for just for Garcia's performance, as it is quite possibly the best he ever did. The picture on the back of the CD case shows him looking young, pissed off, wearing a wifebeater, and with smoke. There is something quite telling about this photograph, given this visual aid the sound and quality of this 16 minute EP just makes perfect sense.

great EP. I wish they would've released an EP. And I still need to hear Unida, but fuck that thing is hard to find (though I'm not really looking).

What is it with Garcia? He goes through more musicians than Mustaine and Schuldiner.
You need to hear Unida - Coping with the Urban Coyote. It's as good as Sky Valley and ...and the Circus Leaves Town. Their first EP and the unreleased album are pretty amazing too. Actually that unreleased album has a few songs that would probably make them a household name, it reminds me a lot of Ultraspank - Progress in terms of catchiness. There, how's that comparison for you? :)

I think Garcia just loooooooooves to perform. He averages something like 38 albums a year with various bands, whether his or just guest spots.

EDIT: Oh and thanks for selling your extra copy of this to me. :D
You can't go wrong with an Elephant on your cover. NAD - you gots to hook me up with some of your desert storm.

I'm suddenly reminded of Chris Farley's impression of General Norman Schwarzkopf, calling out Evander Holyfied for a fight and holding up his fists - "You see these guns? You've seen what they can do in the Gulf, now it's time to see what they can do in the ring!!"
You have Sky Valley right? What are your thoughts on it, if you've even listened to it yet? :tickled: That will give me a good idea of what to send your way.

Farley > me
Yep, I have Sky Valley. I fell into stoner doom for about 5 minutes and then got yanked out by my collar by all these San Fran bands doing my head in.

OK time to venture back into the Sky Valley then. Tomorrow I'll be giving it a spin. But tonight, I need to listen to Alice Cooper. Call it medication.