SLOUGH FEG - Atavism samples!!!!!

Slough Feg and Toby Driver samples to listen to when I get home from work, and I have one Mackeson triple stout left. Could this be the greatest day ever?

"I found... A PENNY!!!"
Sounds like you'd expect Slough Feg to sound, pretty much. I don't wanna listen to samples too much, I'd rather wait to hear the full tracks.

Sounds like another winner though \m/
Just listened to the samples, some great stuff, I especially liked the one with the evil laugh and Starport Blues, the idea of these oddballs doing a dirty heavy blues sounds strangely perfect. And how can one resist a song called Agnostic Grunt? Can't wait to hear the full versions.

"Man out of Time"....those vocals!!


This release is taking way too long.

You see, I think clips like this are a great idea. They wet the appetite for folks like me. I'll pre-order this baby anyway, but in the meantime, it's cool to hear 20 second samples. It's like going to the movies and watching the trailers!
Nice cover, which kind of reinforces my opinion of these guys being the regressive side to HOM's visionary recasting of 70s hard rock, but that's unfair to the former as they are equally able to be both reverent and subversive at the same time.
This album is brilliant. Atavism and their album Down Among The Deadmen are definitely going to have to go on my to buy list.
circus_brimstone said:
*scratches head*

I can't figure out why you guys like them so much...

Me neither. Based on the few samples I've heard :zzz:

but hey, whatever gives you a boner
Wow, what a review. Full marks too.

Nin Chan said:
Album of the year? If the past tells me anything, this will almost certainly top my list this year, and the fact that Slough Feg have managed, in 38 odd minutes (incidentally the SHORTEST record of their career), to produce perhaps the finest work of their career, speaks volumes.

If you consider yourself a fan of metal or creative music in any shape or form, you are doing yourself an extreme disservice by ignoring this band. Slough Feg, like Primordial and Airghed L’amh among others, are a prime example that ‘’advancement’’ in metal doesn’t necessarily have to equate to triggered production, industrial beats, effects-laden vocals, jazzy syncopated time signatures and fusion bass solos. Instead, they draw upon metal’s rich heritage, drawing from the legacy of their predecessors to hone something intoxicatingly original and undeniably progressive.

OK so the guy's gone a little over the top, but thank fuck people are finally realizing just how phenomenal this band is.

Did anyone read the comments from the readers? "Oh no, Cobbett's left, will Slough Feg continue because he was so pivotal", hahaha. No, Slough Feg is ALL Scalzi. Cobbett is just his mate playing harmonies. :)
circus_brimstone said:
*scratches head*

I can't figure out why you guys like them so much...
J. said:
Me neither. Based on the few samples I've heard :zzz:

but hey, whatever gives you a boner
Scalzi's lead guitar has more personality than most bands around, including many of those that I love, and that's not even his best asset.
'kin hell - no search...suppose this thread will do.

So I'm gearing up to do an interview with Scalzi soon and going through the catalog. And here's another case of owning an album for ages, leaving it, then coming back to it after a year with a new found appreciation....

.....the self-titled debut. All I can say is HOLY MOTHERFUCK. What the hell have I been missing? No wonder Scalzi thinks this is their best material - IT IS!! 6 years in the making, they perfected their sound for this one. And yes, Scalzi's voice has never sounded better. This did come out 9 years ago after all.

If you don't have it yet, get it now:


The re-release (left) also includes the original inlay (right), extra tracks including the original version of High Season II, and the backstory of who Slough Feg was.

I quote: "We like our music enough to make up for the whole rest of the world not caring".
