Slough Feg - Avatism...Totally fucking awesome.


Dark Lord of the Sith
Sep 7, 2002
Tallahassee, FL
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Ok, if any of you have a metal loving bone in your body, you should check out Slough Feg's new album, Avatism. I just got turned on to these guys and they are fucking awesome. They remind me of DiAnno era maiden with some folk influences and they tr00ly rool.
Jean-Pierre said:

:kickass: Supporting the awesomeness that is Tim and Evil Legend is a noble thing to do! Just got my Manilla Road - Gates of Fire and Slough Feg - s/t DLP off of him yesterday.

Atavism does lack something of the epic/classic feel of the first four albums. Seems like a decision to ... i don't wanna say 'streamline', but focus the songwriting in a different way than existed on the earlier albums. It's still a very good album, but I don't think it has the everlasting (to me) appeal that the other four, especially Twilight and Traveller, have.

For a while I was listening to Atavism a couple of times a day, maybe I'm just a bit burnt out on it for now, but I hope longer, more epic and fantastically themed songs make it onto the 6th album.
Demilich said:
Atavism does lack something of the epic/classic feel of the first four albums. Seems like a decision to ... i don't wanna say 'streamline', but focus the songwriting in a different way than existed on the earlier albums. It's still a very good album, but I don't think it has the everlasting (to me) appeal that the other four, especially Twilight and Traveller, have.

For a while I was listening to Atavism a couple of times a day, maybe I'm just a bit burnt out on it for now, but I hope longer, more epic and fantastically themed songs make it onto the 6th album.

Hit the nail on the head.
Hah, I'd say it's easily their best album yet. The rest are all amazing, but this is just so concise at displaying all the characteristics that make Slough Feg so great.
Man, if their other stuff is better than atavism, I can't wait. I found a better place to order there stuff. Its through Aparently Century media distributes all of slough feg's stuff. Some hammers of Misfortune too. they rule.
Demilich said:
:kickass: Supporting the awesomeness that is Tim and Evil Legend is a noble thing to do! Just got my Manilla Road - Gates of Fire and Slough Feg - s/t DLP off of him yesterday.

I met Tim in person at the BWBK six pack: He's a no-bullshit harbinger of true Metal, and will do all in his power to get the music out to the people. If you see anything on his list that you want, order it from him. You will NOT regret this decision!