
Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I'm going to post it here in this thread in about 5 minutes. It's the first half of the intie, no sense in keeping some of you waiting. :) Hang tight...
I listened to the self-titled this morning, it's pretty obvious why that one is your favorite. :loco:
After the usual pleasantries...

JK: So what advantage is there for a starving artist such as yourself to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world?

MS: It’s not that expensive for me – I just have to stay in the same apartment forever. I’ve been in the same apartment now for nine years through rent control, but I’m getting really sick of living right in the middle of the city. I’d like to have some greenery around me sometimes, but being cooped up gets tiring. Not being able to move makes you feel stuck, plus the fact that I’m a musician and in the last two days I’ve done nothing but band business for the tour that’s coming up, the record. It goes on all day and it’s like a job you don’t get paid for [laughs]. It kinda puts you in this weird situation because I’m 35 and I’ve been making records now since I was 25, and the band’s been together since 1990 so it’s been a long time, and I’m not sick of making music, but the lifestyle it’s forced me into is kinda weird – living poor, never really had a full time job. I finally graduated from college and now I’m a graduate student. The only thing left I can do is be a teacher maybe, it’s the only other thing that wouldn’t drive me insane.

JK: What did you graduate in?

MS: Philosophy…

JK: Teaching is the way!

MS: [laughing] it’s kinda hard to keep that going, because it’s hard work, and there’s the band, and trying to make money – it’s a bitch, but it’s all about the rent control. It’s also about not wanting a lot of stuff. It’s a little alienating.

JK: What’s the day job?

MS: I work in a bar. I did that mostly on weekends while I was at school just to scrape by, and I don’t live real lavishly, I don’t have a car. We always rent when we tour, or if we go to Europe, we’ll rent a van. Otherwise I worked in a bar, I worked security, I worked the door and bartend once in a while, and I did this temp work in an office doing research for these people, doing AIDS research – it sounds real fancy but it’s not. It’s just a bunch of bullshit, looking at computers and calling people up and asking them questions. Pretty lousy work. So my life is kind of depressing although my musical career isn’t.

JK: So working in the bar, you potentially have SLOUGH FEG fans coming in and you’re serving them beer?

MS: Yeah, it’s not like we’re huge or anything obviously, but last week some kid came in and said he thought the new record sounded great. I guess it’s kinda flattering, it happens once in a while from someone I don’t know.

JK: Why is it so fitting to be drinking beer whilst listening to SLOUGH FEG?

MS: Well, that’s heavy metal isn’t it? I mean it’s supposed to be that way.

JK: There is something very ‘alcoholic’ about it though…

MS: Yeah well, it’s celtic, yeah you’re right. I like German beer, English beer, mostly European beer. Sometimes I’ll drink Budweiser just because it’s there, but given the preference I’ll drink European beer. I love English beer, the Carlings…

JK: And the Tetley’s.

MS: Yes, the Tetleys, oh man, aw…just that word “Tetley’s” just mentioning that name, it brings me back to Europe. We’ve toured there a few times and any mention of the beer and I’m instantly blasted back in Germany or England or wherever.

JK: Hypothetically, if you could live anywhere, would you stay in San Francisco.

MS: Not if it wasn’t about the band. Well maybe, maybe, because it is cool here but it’s so expensive. If I could afford a house in this city, to buy one, then I’d have to be really rich, but I would like to live in New York actually. Or London, or Hamburg.

JK: Why New York?

MS: It’s near where I grew up, one of my friend’s lives there, and it’s the best US city, I think it’s great. San Francisco’s great too, but New York is just fantastic. I go there sometimes, to see friends, I’ll take the subway, run around town, visiting people. Like at one point a few years ago up until last Christmas, I was going twice a year just because I’d be visiting family or on tour, and I’d spend days just going between Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan just crashing on friend’s couches, taking the subway all day, it’s a real blast.

JK: Is there an advantage of living in San Francisco at least for the music scene?

MS: Not in San Francisco, but I think living in the inner city gives you a vibe, that’s why our music is so hyper I think. It’s city music. It may not be lyrically about city stuff, but it’s very fast, and stressed out and high paced. There is a better metal scene here though compared to other places in the other country. It’s not mainstream oriented you know, it’s San Francisco, it’s ‘crazy land’. Nothing about San Francisco is mainstream oriented. Whereas LA or New York, there’s a lot more big billboards and people trying to sound like the ‘big stuff’.

JK: Of course that carries over to the music as well and attracts a type of fan that would fit into that scene. So when you tour somewhere like Greece, how does the average fan differ?

MS: They’re less phony. Both in Greece and Germany, they actually listen to music. If they don’t like something you did they’ll tell you. They listen to the riffs, the lyrics, the music, whereas here they just like what they’re supposed to like. Really, it’s just ridiculous in America. People just trying to be cool and all that. In Greece, people respect each other’s taste. If a band sucked and they get up on stage and they sound like crap…I mean, in the 70’s, if they did that here and they sounded like shit, they’d get booed off the stage. Now that won’t happen at all, you know, it’s like the emperor wears no clothes. There’s a lot of this going on in the country where everyone knows this band sucks deep down but they’re all friends with them or something so they just go along with it. It doesn’t make any sense – they go to see a death metal show and they see guys making sounds like garbage disposals, and they’re like “oh this is killer”, and I’m like “what are you talking about, can you listen?”. You don’t get away with that in Greece.

JK: But what about your own fans in your own town, do they tend to be a little more genuine?

MS: Yeah pretty much, although I don’t think there’s that many people who like SLOUGH FEG, at least in this area because they’re supposed to or because it’s ‘cool’, you know, they like it because they have taste.

JK: Where do you think most of your fans are based?

MS: Oh Europe. Completely – Greece, Germany, Italy, Romania, Czech Republic, some of those places.

JK: Is there any advantage then of being on a label that’s based out in Europe?

MS: Yeah I suppose for Europe, but there aren’t any real metal labels in America, at least not for true metal.

JK: What was the turning point for you in metal? Was it a specific album or a show?

MS: I didn’t see many metal shows when I was younger because I lived in State College (Pennsylvania) so I couldn’t get to a lot of concerts. When I turned 15 or 16 I started seeing local ones, and then later, the bigger shows. There wasn’t a specific record really, I guess it was IRON MAIDEN, but before that, BLACK SABBATH. Actually, the first record I recall hearing was OZZY OSBOURNE’s “Diary of a Madman”. I think that was the first time I heard a heavy metal album. And then I heard “Speak of the Devil”, and then “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” and then the first SABBATH album. That’s what really did it – “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” and the first BLACK SABBATH album.

JK: My first album was “Bark at the Moon”.

MS: Jake E Lee was really good, he didn’t get any credit for it either.

JK: My pseudonym on the forum is JayKeeley.

MS: Hah! That’s cool. I wonder what happened to him?

JK: He went on to play in BADLANDS.

MS: Yeah I know that but that was way back then.

JK: After that, he just disappeared and I think he has a small following in Japan, and he released a small instrumental album [Fine Pink Mist] to no real success, and it’s kind of sad in a way because Randy passed way, and Zakk Wylde went on to do his own thing, but Jake just faded away.

MS: Ozzy will never give him any credit. He never mentions him for some strange reason. See, guys like that, you’ve got to wonder whether they’re driving a cab now or something? See, the guys in IRON MAIDEN, like Clive Burr, he was last seen driving a cab in London or something, and when I was in London last September, someone told me that Brian Robertson from THIN LIZZY now rents out PA’s from a store. I know a lot of rock stars have bad jobs but that guy had songwriting credits on Jailbreak.

JK: I’m nearly 35, so the two of us obviously remember what it was like in the mid-80’s, and if you think about it, most of those guys not in bands anymore is just this huge waste of talent. And all those hours and hours of practice…

MS: Thing is, nobody makes any money anymore in this kind of metal. I mean, even the old bands might get together because someone offers them a spot at Wacken, Metal Blade pay for the air tickets, and otherwise they’re all working on a construction site or something. I mean, we’re going to play a show with RAVEN at the Keep it True festival and I bet you they work in factories otherwise. I guess I’ll find out.

JK: They’re probably married with kids, taking the weekend off to play a show once in a while.

MS: Yeah probably, but I’m 35 and I have no kids, I’m still living the lifestyle. My drummer has kids and that’s a hardship for us at times but I have an attitude where I’m going to do what I do in life and no one’s gonna stop me. If somebody else wants to have kids, that’s fine.

JK: Take a fan like me. I’m the same age as you, but I’ll just live vicariously though you.

MS: Well, the thing is, you really DON’T want to live my lifestyle. You want the security of a middle class home and I don’t blame you at all.

JK: I guess it’s just the way I was raised.

MS: Well I was raised that way too, but I don’t blame you, and in actual fact, I would rather live closer to that, but the band dominates so much, I feel like I’m on this momentum and as much as I’d like to live like that, I think I couldn’t pull myself away from what I’m doing with the band to be able to do that. I see myself frying and going crazy because I’m not writing music or playing songs all the time.

JK: The ideas must just keep coming and coming. I read in the past that you said you could release an album every year.

MS: Oh easy. Easy. I already have 20 minutes for a new one, and Atavism just came out. I have 4 new songs, I just do it. If I don’t try, it’s better because it comes naturally over time.

JK: In an ironic way, the only thing that prevents you from releasing an album every year is the business side of the metal scene.

MS: Exactly. I wish they could. It’s not even that people wouldn’t buy it I don’t think, it’s that the label I’m on is small and they don’t have the money to be putting out an album every year. They don’t have $25K total for releasing it, and the marketing, and paying for these phone calls, and pressing the record and artwork. They’re lucky that we can do our own artwork and stuff like that. Otherwise they’d never be able to afford it. So when did this new album come out? April? Ok, so if I told them I wanted money by next December so I can make a record to come out the following May, they would not be able to afford that at all. I mean, maybe, but I doubt it.

JK: At the same time, if you’re a label and you break even, then you’re lucky.

MS: Oh yeah, this Cruz del Sur, they don’t have shit. I mean, they’ve put out a few records now but I don’t think they’ve made any money yet, but they’re hoping. This is the biggest album they’ve put out yet. That’s pretty sad, if SLOUGH FEG is the biggest album you’ve put out…

JK: Can the label help with the tour?

MS: The tour coming up is a US tour with 23 shows, and it’s through a booking agent called Tone Deaf so there are small guarantees to make $200 or $300 for a show here or there. So we’ll be making enough to survive on the tour. Then the rest is all on t-shirt sales. I just reserved a van so we have to go pay for that. I mean, van rental alone is very expensive at $100 per day.

JK: So the entire US tour will be you guys in the van, you’re not flying anywhere?

MS: Not in the US, no. They set it up so there are several big city shows: Chicago, New York, Austin Texas, Boston, Richmond, LA, Phoenix, Atlanta, and so on. They don’t pay that much, unless the show really packs out and you get lucky, then you could walk out of a show like that with maybe a $1000, including merchandise sales, but 15% of that needs to go back to the booking agent. The merchandise costs money to make in the first place, I’m spending all my money on merchandise and van rental. So it’s self managed – it’s booked by an agent, but otherwise self managed. We’re even driving the van ourselves. I guess we could bring a driver but we’d have to pay them so it would be even worse. We’ll probably break even or maybe make just a little bit of money. We’d never do it without the booking agent though.

JK: And the bar is ok with you taking off for 2 weeks?

MS: Oh yeah yeah, it’s actually 3 weeks.

JK: So if you go to Europe, are you paying for the flights?

MS: No, not now. We did before, because our last label wouldn’t do it. The last time we went, we paid for the flights upfront with the understanding that we’d make money back but all the flights within Europe, the equipment rental, the hotels and all that stuff comes out of what we make at a show. But you see, in Greece, they can charge 20 Euros for a ticket and people will see us. In Germany, they can charge 10, and in Dublin they charge something ridiculous like 12 Euros, which is a lot of money, but they take care of us. We get fed, everything is paid for, the planes are all paid for in between countries, we don’t spend a cent when we’re there, but then all the gig money goes to support that so we sell them merchandise to pay for our plane flights back. The last tour was the first time we broke even or even came near. So this time, the label’s actually paying for the plane tickets flight out.

JK: So before the last tour, you always lost money?

MS: The first three times we went over, we lost money. That’s the way it goes, those labels out there aren’t going to pay for plane tickets. Thing is, this time they got it for just over $2000 – if they do it long enough in advance, and plus we’re doing it in November this time so it’s not a high season so they can spend the $2k or whatever it is and just tack it on to the $25K debt that’s already there in the first place. They figure, what’s another couple of thousand bucks? It’s tough man. This comes to no surprise to you I’m sure, us not making any money.

JK: It doesn’t. The whole zine thing, it’s all paid for out of my pocket. The forum we have, we’ve now got a bunch of regulars and we can talk about the music all day long. It’s nice to have that community where we can all highlight particular bands and then talk about them.

MS: Oh it’s great, we wouldn’t survive it wasn’t for people like you. It’s not a big business thing, it’s a bunch of people…take the Miskatonic Foundation, we wouldn’t be doing anything we’re doing if it wasn’t for Rich [Walker, SOLSTICE guitarist/songwriter, and owner of Miskatonic Foundation], at least in Europe. And other people like Metal Supremacy who put all our vinyl releases out and bend over backwards for us when we come to Europe. And I would do the same for them when they come here. It’s because we’re all friends. We all hang out, I mean we met through touring, but when we get together in Germany: Rich, and me, and the people from Metal Supremacy at their house in Hamburg, we have a big party when we come out there. We stay at their house, we have a giant BBQ, and invite all these bands over, and have tons and tons of beer, it’s really fucking fun. It’s a blast.

JK: From a fan point of view, we spend so much time talking about you, reading about you, listening to your music, it’s almost as if the fan gets to know you before we’ve even met you in real life.

MS: Totally yeah.

JK: I mean, there’s no way we don’t recognize your sacrifices.

MS: And that’s what makes it worth it.
great interview so far ... sounds like you got a lot of tips about bands on tour and the economics of it.

fans in Romania? this is something new ... :kickass:
i see from the link of their booking agent, that Tone Deaf co. ... that they also book The Brought Low ... that band kicks some serious kinds of ass. Seen them a few times already in NYC. It's just fucking loud boogie rock ... pure boozin' tunes.