Slough Feg news!


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Sounds like Cobbett's out. Sucks.

Mike Scalzi on the Slough Feg Forum said:
yes, john is no longer with us, basically because of lack of time to dedicate to sloughfeg, because of other bands, projects, ect.... and because he's not particularly fond of touring----and sloughfeg is continually dedicated to touring as much as possible as making records. John does appear on the new album though, in fact there is, as usual, one song which he wrote the majority of the music on, and its one of the catchiest songs on the album. His loss will be felt, but we have replaced him with Angelo Tringale, from Cold Mourning, who is more than willing to tour and has no other musical engagements currently, so its better for the band.
He seemed like a cool guy. I know it's mainly Scalzi's thing, but I don't like it when any members leave bands I like, unless they were outright assholes or lazy, talentless slobs. What can you do?
new elements won't hurt anybody! but i guess we won't hear them 'til album #6. i can't fucking wait for Atavism to come out, or for those lazy bastards to post a song on the site for us :)
Scalzi = Slough Feg
Cobbett = Hammers

As long as that balance maintains, I'm cool with it. :)
True, although I really don't know whether he would become 100% dedicated to Hammers. The Ludicra album I have is literally filled with hundreds of astounding riffs....he just seems to have too much music in him for one outlet.

I just cannot imagine how extraordinary the new HoM is going to be, having heard the 2-3 songs on their August Engine tour, plus all his "leftovers" for the Ludicra side project.