
Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
need some slow songs by bands that normally play fast. must be memorable and slow-headbangable. and still heavy as fuck. no doom recs this time.

excuse my mainstream examples :p
Where the Slime Live - MA
Succubus in Rapture - DB
Repeating Yesterday - AILD (soz, i like it:oops:)
Under the Northern Star - AA

you get what i mean. thanks:headbang:
The Quest for Equilibrium - Gorguts
War Within Us - Tragedy
Friends in the Music Business - Cursed
Psychonaut - Antigama
Joan of Arc - The Melvins
Terrifyer - Pig Destroyer (relatively slow)
He Who Sleeps - Morbid Angel
Doomtrooper - Lair of the Minotaur
Get Off My Back - Unsane
Destructioneer Extraordinaire - Trap Them
A Sentient Being - Plague Bringer

I know there are also a couple slow, kick-ass songs by Agoraphobic Nosebleed but I can't recall any off-hand.
:OMG:good god these are amazing... i am cumming repeatedly!!:heh: thanks a bunch.

post moar:headbang::kickass:
Hypocrisy - Until The End
Amon Amarth - Where Silent Gods Stand Guard :kickass:
Keep of Kalessin - The Mark Of Power


Hypocrisy - Deathrow (No Regrets)
Hypocrisy - Disconnected Magnetic Corridors
Hypocrisy - Elastic Inverted Visions
Hypocrisy - Inquire Within
Hypocrisy - Living to Die
Hypocrisy - Nowhere to Run
Hypocrisy - Resurrected
Hypocrisy - The Arrival of the Demons (Part II)
Hypocrisy - The Departure
Hypocrisy - All Turns Black
Hypocrisy - Apocalypse
Hypocrisy - The Abyss
Darkthrone - "The Hordes of Nebula" is fucking deadly.

And of course Morbid Angel's Gateways to Annihilation is pretty much an entire album of slow, menacing heaviness.