Slow Hypocrisy songs


I like pie.
Jan 9, 2002
Southern California
Hey, i was curious how many people like or maybe even prefer hypocrisy's slower songs (slipping away, until the end, pale empty sphere, etc.) to the faster ones? i love all of them, and i find myself listening to them more so than the fast ones in most cases. And is there anyone who doesnt like them at like to hear your thoughts everyone.
I don't really like anyone better than the other...i mean...there are slower songs that i like better than the fasters songs and faster songs that i like better than the slower i would have to say...THEY BOTH FUCKING KILL :headbang:
I love both ways of Hypocrisy. The song "The Final Chapter" Right around 3:30 in the song. I once spent freaking 2 hours listening to over and over. Wanna make something of it? JK. The faster ones are rad, but Disconnected Magnetic Corridors is a bad ass song. I know in the past, Peter has downed his own lyrics. Some songs had such power to them, lyrics weren't necessarry. I could feel all of what the band was trying to say. Any how. I think it's cool in Metal Maniacs that Peter recently said lyrics are now very important to him and more personal than ever.
Bottome line. All the doomy shit rules. 4th Dimension, Apocalypse, and so on

I think that all of Hypocrisy's slower songs are generally better than the faster ones. Most people I know share this idea with me.
i think Hypocrisy master their skills with midtempo slower songs they make the best! their fast stuff is good too but if i had to choose the slower stuff does rule more!
Could you guys help me out? I jsut saw Hypocrisy live and just was blown away by their performance. I especially enjoyed the slower, doom-ish songs. Is their an lbum of theirs soley dedicated to the slower tempo or are they all mixed into every album?
IMO: The ability of a band to make really good slow songs in contrast to the brutal fast ones shows their true skills and inventiveness... and Hypocrisy truely fulfill this. Though I can't say which ones I like better, I guess I need both of them.