Sludge/Doom song "Dead Horse": I need some help (mastering related)

Old Man Doom

Dec 9, 2012
First time posting one of my mixes on here. Feel free to rip it apart. I think the low end is kinda out of control and the guitars (Soldano amplitube) are boxy. I mixed this awhile ago, and now that I look back on it, I really need to work on that low end.

However, I need some help identifying a mastering issue that I experienced today. I was at guitar center testing a pair of JBL LSR 308s in their production room and I asked to demo this song on the monitors to get a sense of how my mixing style would sound on them. I hooked my iphone up to the interface and played this song (same version) and there was a ton of clipping, like some serious distortion. It was ugly. I had never noticed it before when I was mastering on my AV40s and headphones. Now I know that I'm not very good at mastering (or mixing for that matter), but I thought it sounded acceptable when I bounced the track; nothing like what I heard at GC.

I mastered through a long chain, but I got my loudness from the t-racks clipper just barely shaving the transients and slate FG-X with the comp and the maximizer (no other controls on the slate; just the gain). Everything seems to be peaking at 0.2db and I did my dithering inside FG-X.

I played the track loud on my monitors, loud on several sets of headphones (pro and commercial), on my big-ass stereo in my room, and in my car. Yet in all of those listening environments, I never heard any of the super harsh clipping like I heard at GC on the JBLs.

I would say that it was the GC gear that fucked me over, but I can't; we hooked up someone else's phone to the same monitors and blasted a different song and it sounded fine.

Sorry for the long-ass post, but I'm kinda paranoid about my DIY mastering now because it seems like there might be things happening that I can't hear on any of my gear.

I'd appreciate some feedback, even if it's to tell me that mix/master sucks and that I need to start from square-one.