Sludge metal mixing tips.

no TS, let the lowend rumble.

crank the poweramp, you want that saturation"
SG is the guitar to choose (the kinda "loose" neck-joint gives a nice warping/warbly tone).
Sunn, Marshall, anything like that.
don't "clean" the drums too much, record a pair of roommics.

Any guitar with a big mahogany body would work. Flying V, LP, SG, etc.

A big part is the bass guitar, that has to be very 'huge' but not boomy sounding.
Well seems that i kinda went at it all wrong haha.

I recorded with my el cheapo because my main guitar has an floyed rose and REALLY dislikes drop tunings no mather how i set it up. When i first tried getting a sound i tried my Radial tonebone(wich nails the isis tone) But it was to fizzy for this. Next my Hm-2 failed because our singer was to distracted by the sound of it(its a real intens motherfucker)

So that only left my ENGL to do the job, i actually like the tone quite a bit. But my tracks sound really sloppy. This is the first part of the song, the vocals are obsolete, they were only there to let the singer know where to start.

The only problem i have that i have the feeling that everything just barely makes it through wich sounds very unproffesional, got any tips to cure that?
play it slow, low, hard, and loud.
big room sound for your drums either mics or 'verb
fuzz pedals
fuzzy dist. bass
maybe put reverb on everything
mush it up
kill the clarity
soak it with beer and shit
love it
play it slow, low, hard, and loud.

big room sound for your drums either mics or 'verb

maybe put reverb on everything


Use an amp with character : Marshall, Rivera, ENGL (works for me) ...

and A/B with some Crowbar/ Down's "NOLA" / Es la guerilla / Hangman chair records :)

I have an ENGL SE myself and i can dial good tones for sludgy stuff : using more gain than the usual "tight as fuck metal" low gain setting, using Channel 4 (= Lead Channel...less tight than Channel 3 (Rythm Channel) ) and using more presence also than my typical Tight Rythm setting (in which i tend to roll off presence a lot to kill the fizz)

But a huge part of this sludgy thing comes out of your playing :)
Ah, sludge, my favorite type of music to play and record :).

What you definitely need for that big Isis, Pelican, Cult of luna sound:
-Use old vintage amps like Marshall JTM's, Sunn model T's or just using everything with a British voiced distortion sound.
-Use huge, heavy as shit mahogany guitars (Les Paul; SG;...)
-Tune to B and don't use too much gain => fizzy-nis.
-Because low gain will give you the "chugga"!
-Put some OD, Fuzz on the bass and blend it with a DI track
-Search for an epic, big bass- and snare drum sound and use room mics or verb for all the rest of the drum.
Its for my band (i havent recorded in 6 months though, thats why i am a bit rusty)

A Red sea era isis is kinda what i want, any tips to get there? That sound is fucking intens but there must be 20 layers there with different amps. Are there any really good vst fuzz i can test on my DI tracks?
Ok thanks! If you can give me a few days(rough estimate), i need to get the vocal and bass tracks from the singer's house. Wich i only speak around the weekends.

Ill PM you when i got them.
well, i actually meant: post them on the forum so that all the people could mix them :). I think it should be awesome to mix something else besides death metal
Goddamnit, i accidently recording both the main and the effect vocal tracks to one track, result is one cracked up track...

I did not noticed it while monitoring... And we kinda left after we got the best take because the beer was getting to us lol.

I dont know when i have a change to rerecord seeing as i am going on ( a well deserved) holiday next week.

Ill do my best to get the tracks sorted asap:kickass: