Sludgey metal in G


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
This track is provisionally called Cameltoe.


BFD2 w/Platinum Samples' "Evil Joe" pack (used the toms) and Jim Scott pack (everything else, except the ride; which was a stock BFD2 kitpiece)
RevalverMKIII - 6505+, with GuitarHack impulses
Gibson Orville Les Paul tuned to; GGCFAD
Roland TD-6; used to play the drums of BFD2.
Ableton Live 8 - simple multitrack session.

I didn't record bass, because I only have a Cort, and it's a piece of shit.

Let me know what you think.
I don't have a reamp box, so I can't really use my Laney. Although I quite like the 6505 - thinking of getting the plus version at some point in the future.
Cool song indeed!

Do you have any inspiration from Mastodon? I could kinda feel some Mastodon in there (no dirty thoughts now!), both in the riffs and also in the drumming. But it's definately far from Mastodon so I think it's safe to say you've got a cool style.

The toms are overall too loud but also too dynamic perhaps... I think you could do with some compression or automation to even that out a little bit, and they also lack a bit of attack. Try Dominion on 'em and see if you can give it a little more punch... maybe try that on every piece of the kit to be honest, but I'm not talking about huge boosts, just a little something to make it a little bit punchier.

What's the guitar chain like? The tone fits the music I guess but for my taste it's a little bit too static in the fizz area... it's almost as if there is a constant fizz that is just repeating itself over and over again, doesn't feel like it's a part of the actual guitar sound. It could be an issue with too much gain... I don't know.

Anyway, it's freakin' nice dude! Some dirty vocals would be nice :)
Yeah the only thing that sounds kinda wrong is the toms, not sure what it is, could be nothing. The rest, great guitar tone for such a heavy tuning! Of course you could benefit greatly from a bass, get a 5 string and tune it GCFAD and use some overdrive on it, works beautifully for that style and tuning. You'd be on G1 on that bass, kinda scary eh?

Nice song btw, I'm a total sucker for this kind of stuff
Thanks guys :)

Strings are 13's I believe. Ernie Ball "not even's" I think.

I will work on the toms; maybe just change the kitpieces out and use something a bit higher in pitch.

Guitar is just straight into RevalverMKIII; no EQ or anything yet. The aim of this track was just to get the ideas down, rather than focusing on production. I'm sure you all get it too, where you end up obsessing over guitar tone or something, and don't manage to get a song written.

I do like Mastodon; my biggest influences are probably Tool, ISIS, Cult of Luna, and lots of random post-rock and post-metal stuff. Not really into thrash, I'm into heavy downtuned noisey sludgey assrape music... ahem....

Good thing about DIing is I can change the guitar tone after the fact!! Btw, this was using the front inputs of the M-Audio Profire 2626. This is only the 2nd track I've played drums for, so I'm quite happy with how the structure and song writing turned out. Just gotta refine the sound I suppose!

Oh, and I might see if my band is up for playing this song too.
I don't currently have a bass capable of tuning that low. I'm thinking of getting a 5-string. Any recommendations? Budget isn't a lot, about £300 approximately.
Oh.. might try some vox tomorrow. I'll see if I can blag tuning the 3rd string to G, and doing some basslines on that. Ooooorrr.. if someone wanted to write some bass riffs to it, they could do that too!
I don't currently have a bass capable of tuning that low. I'm thinking of getting a 5-string. Any recommendations? Budget isn't a lot, about £300 approximately.

I'd say get an Ibanez Ergodyne, a 5 string obviously. I'm pretty sure your budget covers it. Oh and pleaaaase distort the bass, it wouldn't be the same without distorted bass

Oh.. might try some vox tomorrow. I'll see if I can blag tuning the 3rd string to G, and doing some basslines on that. Ooooorrr.. if someone wanted to write some bass riffs to it, they could do that too!

I'd love to do bass on that song, but at the moment I'm pretty tight, would take me some time for me to sit down and learn the song and write some basslines, so maybe some other time I'd be totally up for it, unless you're not in a hurry. If you are, I strongly reccomend you that bass I mentioned above, or get one borrowed or something
Damn, I like it! Tone suits well with this kind of stuff and mix is good. Drums and bass sounds great too! I waited a bit more gritt, but it worked out well.
Edit: Yep there was some Isis and Mastodon influences. Two of my favorites. Hey keep on doing this...I love it! (Cult of Luna & Tool ftw!!!)