Sluggish Post Rock or something

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Yo guys, I have something a bit different for you, I'm mixing this band's album, at first when I had the tracks they sent I was a bit sceptical but after a few listens I actually started to like it and it's actually something a bit different than I'm used to work with, really dirty mix, 100% real drums, really heavy distorted and sluggish everything :kickass::kickass:

Anyways this is a work in progress, nothing on the master bus except for a comp so turn that shit up!

Since this isnt my usual type of work I'd like some opinions and criticism plaiise! And bear in mind it's not finished aswell
Not digging the snare at all, I'm a little bit disturbed by it's sound. But whatever. Guitars could be a little more opened, they sound like they are under a blanket... I know it's supposed to be sluggish, but it can be sounding full and sluggish. Now I just think they sound a little too small, not enough punchy.
You're absolutely right about guitars, they werent very good to begin with... agree with the snare as well, think it could come down a little bit aswell, anyways this was mixed in about an hour or so just before I left the studio, as I said, work in progress =) thanks for the criticism
Interesting mix, yeah again the snare is popping out somewhat, the vocals could use a little more attention, but otherwise pretty sweet.
This is definately not post-rock though
drums are much too dry. not enough room. the guitars sound like they could turn out really cool for this style music. very weird. but they need to be louder. i actually kind of dig this tho for real.
Yeah, the snare is annoying me a bit, as I said it's a rough mix, drums should be roomier, guitars a bit brighter and louder and probably get the screams right, I think the regular vocals sit fine