Small Haul (Per Usual) Not From the Mall

Jul 21, 2003
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Massacra Final Holocaust- Similar in intent to Slayer's Hell Awaits or the better moments of Reign in Blood, but articulated in the awareness of leaps made by early death metal, carving meaning out of meaningless life through feral violence. Anticipating the 'Stockholm Scene,' in the incorporation of melodic elements within a classically derived narrative compostional structure while retaining the raw, unrestrained and relentless approach characteristic of first wave death metal. While lacking the refined gravitas of later death metal releases, Final Holocaust compensates with visceral passion. The end result is perhaps the finest death metal release of the 80's.


Morgoth Resurrection Absurd- An EP well ahead of it's time, incorporating melodically articulate solos and the studied weight of doom metal two years before it became fashionable in Sweden. Like the best death metal to come, Resurrection Absurd entrances with an epic sensibility while still retaining the immediacy of pummeling riffs. Quite possibly the finest EP I've ever come across.

How does "Resurrection Absurd" compare to the "The Eternal Fall" 12"? I have the latter and find it quite good but not really 10/10 material. I've seen CD releases containing both EP's available for little money and if RA is much better I might seek one of those out.
There's a certain basic uniformity to Morgoth's early work (including the Cursed full length), but Resurrection Absurd is a little more complex, melodic and atmospheric than their other early material, and includes by far their best song ("Selected Killing").