Smartphone choice

Jan [MTW]

Aug 26, 2010
The time has come for me to finally buy a smartphone. But the wide range of smartphones doesn't make it easy to choose the right one.
My price limit would be 300€.

Hope you can help me out! :loco:

I'm a total cell phone tech geek and here's my weigh in:

Android: Check out the HTC One X. It's just been released in the last month or two and is the best phone out right now hands down, period, and it fits in your budget! 4.7" 720p HD screen that looks fantastic (SuperLCD2 which slays any other Android's screen right now), European version has a Tegra 3 (quad-core!!) chip, the camera is absolutely awesome and the phone just looks like pure sex on top of all that. Or you can wait for the Galaxy SIII which will be coming out sometime this year but it will not be any better than the One X spec-wise and certainly won't look as good ;)

Not Android?: iPhone. But it's best to wait until the fall if you go that route since they will be unveiling the latest version then and it will be a major refresh instead of incremental update like the 4 to 4S was. Don't get a BlackBerry. I don't care who says how awesome theirs has been or bla bla bla... RIM is going down the toilet and I wouldn't want to buy a phone from a company that is slowly running itself out of business. Even if not for that reason, there isn't anywhere near the market for apps compared to Apple or Android, and more developers are jumping off the BB boat every day. Honestly it's barely a smartphone compared to what iPhone/Android can do. And actually, since iPhone launches in the US first and then international, you probably wouldn't be able to get one until early next year, if not maybe around Christmas time. That is unless Apple decides to roll out the new iPhone to Europe at the same time or quickly after the US, who knows. Also, do not get a Windows phone. Crap. The market for apps is just as abysmal as BB, I personally can't stand the interface and the phones are not made with quality parts. I would recommend a BlackBerry over a Windows phone. That bad.

Currently I have an iPhone 4 and had a 3GS before it. I am getting the HTC One X in a couple of weeks when it launches here in the U.S. The One X is a HELL of a phone. So really what I am saying is get the HTC One X and fucking enjoy it. :lol:
Android: Check out the HTC One X. It's just been released in the last month or two and is the best phone out right now hands down, period, and it fits in your budget! 4.7" 720p HD screen that looks fantastic, European version has a Tegra 3 (quad-core!!) chip, the camera is absolutely awesome and the phone just looks like pure sex. Or you can wait for the Galaxy SIII which will be coming out sometime this year but it won't be any better than the One X spec-wise, certainly won't look as good ;)
Have you actually tried the One X? I would advise against getting one, heavily. A couple of my friends have them and they are very slow and laggy, which is terrible when you consider the hardware in them. The new HTC Sense is completely killing the performance in them, it feels rushed to release and like beta software. My Galaxy S II completely upstages them, which is embarrassing.

I'd definitely wait for the Samsung Galaxy S III, as it'll be out on the 3rd May, and I'd be willing to bet that it'll be the best phone on the market hands down.

Edit: I just asked a friend with a One X to describe it in one word, he used 'disappointment'. He's pretty much set on returning it and buying the S3 when it comes out. I'd say avoid the One X.
razr maxx just came out in your coruntry so i'd be all over that. it has motorola cast which is like the cloud, but, if not, wait for the iplum5 for itunes like i'm doing!
I'm on a Windows phone right now and frankly it's not great.

The 'tile' UI is refreshing but there are basically no apps available beyond Facebook and Twitter. And the apps that are available don't perform very well.

I'm looking forward to my contract running out in October so I can finally move to an iPhone.
At first I wanted to buy the Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray... The camera is amazing! 8MP and 720p video recording. The only downside is that it is very small compared to other smartphones. Then I've seen the Xperia Arc S which is basically the same as the Ray with a bigger screen.

Htc One X is in my budget??? It costs 570€ over here! :D
And it looks a bit too big, but if I could get it for less than 300€ I'd totally buy it! Do you know any other alternative with a bit smaller screen and an hd camera that fits my budget? Or would the Xpera Arc S really be the best choice in my case?
I too am a cell phone geek, and yeah the One X looks pretty great, but I'm still hesitant about HTC after their string of mostly mediocre, incremental phones for the past year; on the other hand, I got my Samsung Galaxy S II in December and have absolutely loved it, so fast, stable, and fluid, just as much as the iPhone 4 I had for the 1.5 years prior (and could never go back to, I just find iOS really boring and I could never go back to a sub-4.3" screen).

So in short, the One X looks great, but I'm pretty sure the GSIII is gonna annihilate it! Also, Blackberry is dead and WP7 is still too much of an unknown IMO.

Edit: And as for pricing, maybe look into a carrier that'll let you sign a contract to get a better phone discounted? That's how it works here in the US anyway (though our rate plans are much higher as a result)
I have owned several Nokia smart phones (many different generations and series), an HTC Desire HD, an iPhone 4, I currently have some cheap-ass Huawei Android phone while my iPhone is getting fixed, I use a BlackBerry at work and I'm very familiar with the Samsung Galaxy S and ZTE Blade, and all I can really say is... iPhone. The usability can't even be compared to those I mentioned. You might score a used one for 300€ if you're lucky, but it's definitely worth the price. All the other phones I have used have been buggy, slow, unintuitive to use or plain crap.
i've had an iphone 4 for about 1,5 years now, some of my friends have the Galaxy S II so i've spent some time with that as well.

essentially it comes down to the differences in the way the devices work and respond... i like my iphone better and they like their samsung phones better (and are constantly going on how it costs less and how some of its specs are better :lol: one of the banes of owning an iphone i guess. i've got no regrets though :) )

try and see if your friends own one of the two and see which one you like to operate more.
You guys talking shit about the windows phones, have you actually tried the nokia lumia 900? It's getting VERY good reviews. Microsoft is just now starting to get the ball rolling... When Windows phone 8 comes out, a lot of things are going to start changing. Microsoft plans to combine Xbox, Windows, and Windows Phone into a huge ecosystem that will be shared across devices. They will be successful in the long run. You may not believe me now, because of how popular Apple's iPhone and Samsung's Android phones are compared to all of the lackluster Windows Phones we've seen up until the Lumia 900, but things will be different later this year. It's already starting now.

I'm holding out for a Windows 8 phone, but if I were to get a new phone right now, it'd probably be a Galaxy SII or wait another few weeks for the Galaxy SIII. I'm not an Apple fan.
Have you actually tried the One X? I would advise against getting one, heavily. A couple of my friends have them and they are very slow and laggy, which is terrible when you consider the hardware in them. The new HTC Sense is completely killing the performance in them, it feels rushed to release and like beta software. My Galaxy S II completely upstages them, which is embarrassing.

I'd definitely wait for the Samsung Galaxy S III, as it'll be out on the 3rd May, and I'd be willing to bet that it'll be the best phone on the market hands down.

Edit: I just asked a friend with a One X to describe it in one word, he used 'disappointment'. He's pretty much set on returning it and buying the S3 when it comes out. I'd say avoid the One X.

That's incredibly surprising, considering everyone I have talked to that has one and all of the reviews say the complete opposite, how the new HTC Sense is far improved from previous versions and the phone is very quick. Basically, everything you just said contradicts the overwhelming amount of reviews and user response saying otherwise. The only negative thing I have heard about is the battery life... and after a software update and breaking the battery in everyone is reporting solid battery life, so that is no longer an issue.

I too am a cell phone geek, and yeah the One X looks pretty great, but I'm still hesitant about HTC after their string of mostly mediocre, incremental phones for the past year; on the other hand, I got my Samsung Galaxy S II in December and have absolutely loved it, so fast, stable, and fluid, just as much as the iPhone 4 I had for the 1.5 years prior (and could never go back to, I just find iOS really boring and I could never go back to a sub-4.3" screen).

So in short, the One X looks great, but I'm pretty sure the GSIII is gonna annihilate it! Also, Blackberry is dead and WP7 is still too much of an unknown IMO.

Edit: And as for pricing, maybe look into a carrier that'll let you sign a contract to get a better phone discounted? That's how it works here in the US anyway (though our rate plans are much higher as a result)

Yes, HTC's past can leave someone hesitant, but as everyone that has reviewed the device have all said, this is a turning point for HTC. The SIII will most likely have really similar specs, I'm not sure it will "annihilate" the One X but it will be a good phone for sure. And yeah, I meant the One X is in your budget (the OP) if you can get it subsidized on contract. As Marcus said, that's how we do it in the US but I know other markets it's common to buy a phone outright, meanwhile the plans are cheaper.

You guys talking shit about the windows phones, have you actually tried the nokia lumia 900? It's getting VERY good reviews. Microsoft is just now starting to get the ball rolling... When Windows phone 8 comes out, a lot of things are going to start changing. Microsoft plans to combine Xbox, Windows, and Windows Phone into a huge ecosystem that will be shared across devices. They will be successful in the long run. You may not believe me now, because of how popular Apple's iPhone and Samsung's Android phones are compared to all of the lackluster Windows Phones we've seen up until the Lumia 900, but things will be different later this year. It's already starting now.

I'm holding out for a Windows 8 phone, but if I were to get a new phone right now, it'd probably be a Galaxy SII or wait another few weeks for the Galaxy SIII. I'm not an Apple fan.

I have. It fucking sucks donkey dick. It has gotten some good reviews. The majority are not good though. The camera leaves a lot to be desired. The UI is different but isn't good. The 900 is built well, looks nice, but the Windows Phone platform is the letdown. The only difference between the 900 and the lackluster Windows phones we've seen up until now is that the 900 is made well. That's literally it. It's still Windows Phone OS, and that is the problem.
That's incredibly surprising, considering everyone I have talked to that has one and all of the reviews say the complete opposite, how the new HTC Sense is far improved from previous versions and the phone is very quick. Basically, everything you just said contradicts the overwhelming amount of reviews and user response saying otherwise. The only negative thing I have heard about is the battery life... and after a software update and breaking the battery in everyone is reporting solid battery life, so that is no longer an issue.
I know, I didn't believe it until I used one, and I was astounded. It's not just one device either, all three I used have been like this and two of them had the firmware update. I would've said that it could be because of network software that gets installed by a carrier, but two of them are unlocked models and one is on T-Mobile. I was just giving an opinion from my personal experience, and as you said my one statement against the many good ones. But googling 'HTC One X lag' throws up quite a few responses, so I guess it's not just the ones I've used.